Statistical Consulting and Training Services

The TCC provides a range of services to both the public and University of Alberta research communities. We offer courtesy consulting sessions to University-affiliated graduate students, research associates, and faculty members. Through referrals to our consultant members, a full range of consulting and training services to support long-term projects and non-affiliated researchers are also available.

Browse our consulting guidelines, services, and fees below.

Guidelines and Common Questions

Where do I go for my free consultation?
Unless otherwise specified or arranged, all consultations are held in the Central Academic Building (CAB) 493 in the TCC office.
Can you help with my thesis or research project?
The majority of our clients are graduate students working on a thesis or research project! We can provide general statistical advice and direction, but cannot decide on research hypotheses or carry out statistical analysis.
What can I expect from a free session or initial consultation?
These sessions generally take around 30-40 minutes. At the start, the consultant will ask you to summarize your research and the questions you wish to answer. This information, in addition to the consultation form , will give the consultant a better understanding of your problem. The consultant might discuss solutions to your problem, direct your investigations, or may propose to follow up with you, either via email or another consultation.
Can you help with my assignments or coursework?
Under no circumstances do we provide tutoring or assistance with graded coursework. Assistance in 100- or 200-level MATH/STAT courses is available from the Decima Robinson Support Centre
Can we discuss data that is private or confidential?
    Clients are responsible for ensuring that consultation activities do not breach their own ethics requirements or privacy agreements. For example, while you might not be able to share protected data with consultants, it could be acceptable to discuss relevant methods and procedures.
Will I be required to list my consultant as a research collaborator?
    There is no expectation to include a TCC consultant as an author or research collaborator, although acknowledgements are certainly welcome. For paid consulting work, this decision is again left to the client, although it might be appropriate depending on the nature and depth of the work performed. See more details below.
Courtesy Consulting

30-minute consultations are available at not cost as a courtesy service to University-affiliated faculty, staff, and researchers, including graduate students working on a thesis. This service is intended to provide general statistical support, including but not limited to translating existing research questions into statistical ones, designing experiments, discussing appropriate statistical methods, and interpreting output/results.

Given the 30-minute time limit for free sessions, we do not provide coding support or perform data analysis. These or other requests that require extensive consultant time must be paid for.

To make the best possible use of a session, we ask that clients be ready to discuss their research, hypotheses, and current progress. Please provide sufficient detail when submitting our consultation request form, especially if your research or data is complex. Your assigned consultant will use this information to prepare for the session.

Drop-in clients are also welcome during our drop-in hours, athough we highly suggest scheduling an appointment beforehand to ensure that a consultant is available and prepared to work with you.

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Paid Consulting Services

Our members work as consultants external to the TCC and the Department to offer a full range of statistical consulting and training services to individuals and groups seeking dedicated, long-term, and flexible support. All fees are assessed on a case-by-case basis by the assigned consultant.

Below are examples of the general services a consultant can provide.

  • Statistical consulting is a standard service where a consultant advises on statistical matters in any stage of the research process. This might involve commonly-used statistical methods or other specialized techniques, depending on the project.
  • Basic analysis refers to work performed to analyze a client's data.
  • A statistical review requires a consultant to assess the statistical content of academic writing and/or existing literature to provide feedback and suggestions for improvement.
  • Project management has a consultant follow the course of a research endeavour and provide statistical support in experimental design, data collection, analysis, result interpretation, and other relevant areas.


As contracted consultants work external to the TCC, it is up to consultants to set fees and rates for their services. Hisorically, the TCC has suggested a flat rate of $75/hour for consulting services provided by graduate students.

Depending on the level of involvement and nature of the consulting work, it may be appropriate to include the consultant as a research collaborator. This decision is left to the discretion of the client. In cases where the consultant is included as a co-author, the TCC may discount or waive its service fees.

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