Level 3: Pedagogy + Course Design

Become a principal instructor

Level 3: Pedagogy and Course Design is designed for students seeking work as a principal instructor in a university-level course. Drawing on their statement of teaching philosophy established in Level 2: Practicum, participants design a discipline-specific course, create a syllabus and develop a representative lesson plan and assessments. They also practice teaching and offer colleagues thoughtful and constructive feedback on their presentations.

Prerequisite: Level 2: Practicum

Time Commitment

Level 3: Pedagogy and Course Design is a free, pass-fail, non-credit, hybrid course equivalent to 39 hours of classroom instruction. 

This course blends a project-based approach with synchronous virtual learning and independent work. In-person sessions include mini-lectures and interactive learning activities. There are 13 modules in total, with some needing two to three hours of work outside of class to complete assessments.

Upcoming Sessions

  • Winter Term 2024 (ONLINE): Tuesdays and Thursdays, January 9 to April 11 | 9:30 to 11 a.m. (except Reading Week)
  • Spring Term 2024 (IN PERSON): Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, May 31 to June 28 | 9 a.m. to noon

Participants should allocate time outside of class to complete course assignments.

Registration + Enrolment

Level 3: Pedagogy and Course Design is open to current graduate students and postdoctoral fellows (PDF). Participants who successfully complete Level 2: Practicum will be invited to register for Level 3 through campusBRIDGE. 

Level 3 is offered in winter and spring and is limited to 80 participants each term. Qualifying applicants will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. If enrolment levels permit, a small number of spaces may be made available to university staff members.

Learning Outcomes

  • Identify and advocate for the values and responsibilities that guide you as an educator
  • Explain the principles of active learning, applying them to course design, lesson planning and day-to-day pedagogy
  • Design an integrated and inclusive university-level course
  • Identify and apply effective strategies to crafting lesson plans and assessments
  • Apply tested strategies to, and reflect critically on, your pedagogical practice, including classroom management and student support and inclusion
  • Expand and refine the teaching dossier created in Level 2

Completion Requirements + Transcript Notation

Successful completion of Level 3: Pedagogy and Course Design relies on the completion of several assignments designed to support your professional development.

These tasks will vary from session to session. They may include, but are not necessarily limited to, the following: 

  • Revised teaching development plan
  • Revised statement of teaching philosophy
  • Course syllabus
  • Assessment and rubric
  • Short quiz
  • Lesson planning and microteaching
  • Written peer feedback
  • Dossier
  • Course completion survey

Attendance and peer engagement are mandatory and a significant component of the completion requirements.

The Professional Development Requirement

This course may be counted towards the Professional Development Requirement. All professional development activities must be approved by your department

Contact Us

Questions regarding the Graduate Teaching and Learning Program (GTLP) can be directed to: gradpd@ualberta.ca.