Creating Compelling Graphics

Date: Tuesday, June 11, 2024
Time: 9:00 - 10:30 AM MDT
Facilitator: Dr. Sarah Treit
PD Credit: This session is worth 1.5 hours of professional development (PD) credit.

Register on CampusBRIDGE

Zoom Link


Whether you are writing a grant application, manuscript or presentation, you have limited space to explain your research. Figures that are clear, intuitive and robust to misinterpretation are essential to your success.

Participants learn about the elements of effective figure design, visual communication, and formatting for clarity. Examples from published literature are used to highlight best practices and help learners identify pitfalls in academic data visualizations.

If you have a figure you would like to have reviewed anonymously in the session, please send to


Dr. Sarah Treit

With a PhD in Neuroscience and over 25 peer-reviewed publications, Dr. Treit combines a strong academic track record with a passion for communicating science through visuals. Her company, Figures First, provides consulting and education services to researchers at all career stages.