General Faculties Council (GFC)

As set out in the Alberta Post-Secondary Learning Act, subject to the authority of the Board, General Faculties Council (GFC) is responsible for the academic and student affairs of the University.

GFC is Chaired by the President and is composed of 158 members, including all university Vice-Presidents, all Faculty Deans, professors, students, librarians, and academic and non-academic staff.

Guiding Documents

Approved by GFC April 21, 2017 and March 22, 2022:

Notification of GFC standing committee Meeting Materials

If you would like to receive upcoming notifications of GFC and/or GFC Standing Committee(s) please subscribe here.


For information relating to print and other materials used by GFC and GFC standing committees as it pertains to the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act Please contact the GFC Secretary.