GFC Elections to University Committees

Advisory Search, Selection, and Review Committees are struck as needed at the University of Alberta for positions that include: Chancellor, University President, Vice-Presidents, College Deans and Vice-Provosts, and Faculty Deans. General Faculties Council (GFC) is called upon to arrange for the nomination and election of representatives to populate these committees in accordance with Legislation (PSLA - Post-Secondary Learning Act) and university policy (UAPPOL - Recruitment Policy/Procedures).

Nomination and election processes are administered by University Governance. For details specific to Dean Selection and Review Committees, please consult: Deans Selections and Reviews

Nomination + Election Processes to fill search/review committees:

  • Nomination calls are advertised through Community Engagement, and Employees Digest newsletters to promote awareness and encourage nominations.
  • GFC elections are administered by University Governance to voting members of GFC.
  • View Recent GFC Election Results.

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Kate Peters