Judiciary Position Description


All interested students and staff with questions or seeking more information are encouraged to contact, in advance of appeal panel application, the Appeals and Compliance Coordinator: laura.riley@ualberta.ca.

University Appeal Bodies

The University Appeal Board (UAB) hears appeals from students charged under the Code of Student Behaviour who disagree with the discipline decisions. The UAB also hears appeals from individuals charged under the Code of Applicant Behaviour who disagree with decisions of the Registrar. UAB decisions are final and binding, within the University, and are subject to judicial review.

The General Faculties Council Academic Appeals Committee (GFC AAC) hears appeals from students wishing to appeal faculty decisions on matters of academic standing, including matters such as a requirement to withdraw, denial of graduation or promotion. The GFC AAC hears appeals from students after they have exhausted all other avenues of appeal within a faculty. GFC AAC decisions are final and binding, within the University, and are subject to judicial review.

The Student Misconduct Appeal Roster (Appeal Panel) hears appeals made by complainants or complainant respondents after receiving a final decision of a Student Conduct Officer in relation to the Student Conduct Policy. The Appeal Panel decisions are final and binding, within the University, and are subject to judicial review.

Members of the UAB/Appeal Panel and GFC AAC are also eligible to serve on the General Faculties Council Practice Review Board (GFC PRB). The GFC PRB hears appeals concerning practicum interventions and its decisions are final and binding, within the University, and are subject to judicial review.

Panel Membership

All members of University Appeal Bodies need to be able to objectively hear submissions from both parties to an appeal, analyze and weigh evidence and come to a reasonable decision based on the evidence.

The number of times the UAB/Appeal Panel/GFC AAC/GFC PRB meets varies depending on the number of appeals received in a given year. Generally, as panels are established for each appeal, members may serve on approximately six appeal panels within a calendar year, but again this number will vary depending on the number of appeals received and the faculties involved. Appeal hearings are scheduled throughout the academic year, including summer. Since hearings are often scheduled to start at 3:00 PM or later, and extend through the evening, Monday through Thursday, panel members must have availability in their schedule for evening hearings.

Student panel members usually serve for two year terms, while academic staff panel members usually serve for three year terms. Appeal panel members come from the greatest variety of faculties possible.