Saving Through Sharing: Leveraging Philanthropy in the Sale of Your Business

11 March 2021

Hear from Ray Muzyka, CM (‘90 BMedSc, ‘92 MD), founder and CEO of ThresholdImpact and founding chair of the U of A’s ThresholdImpact Venture Mentoring Service, Heather Barnhouse (‘98 BSc, ‘03 MBA, ‘04 LLB) of Dentons LLP, and Mike Harris (‘05 BSc, ‘10 LLB) of Dentons LLP as they discuss personal, legal and tax planning tips for business owners considering their next chapter. Learn how to further your legacy and financial goals by incorporating strategic philanthropy into the sale of your business or practice and hear impactful stories of how to position your exit strategy to make a difference for causes you care about.

Watch Video (53:41)