U of A Staff Giving

You know that the University of Alberta is not just a place to work. It is a place where you witness students fulfilling their potential and researchers making incredible discoveries every day.

Your investment in the University of Alberta is vital to ensure students get the support they need and that important research moves forward. As a faculty and staff donor, you join a community of committed supporters of higher education. You also set an example by demonstrating to the community that the university creates lasting change that is worth investing in.

Payroll deduction is the most convenient way of making your gift. Your recurring investment ensures that students, researchers and outreach programs get the ongoing support they need.

Two options:

  1. Complete the online form to set up your payroll deduction.
  2. Download and fill out the Faculty and Staff Giving form and return the completed form via campus mail to: Office of Advancement 3-501 Enterprise Square,10230 Jasper Ave.

Join a community of committed investors who believe in higher education. Lead by example.

give now


Call: 780-492-7587
Toll-free: 1-877-992-7587
Email: annual.giving@ualberta.ca