Your Legacy, Your Way – Choosing the Best Giving Option for You

“I believe in supporting higher education. It has been my profession all my life.”

1 November 2021

Vicki Strang

Vicki Strang, U of A Nursing Professor Emeritus, grew up believing in the power of education. Both her parents struggled with school, but their hardships didn’t stop them from ensuring their children would have a better chance to learn.

“Higher education was highly valued in my family,” says Vicki.

Growing up, Vicki always recognized she wanted to be a nurse. She got her Ph.D. at the U of A, where she also taught for many years before retiring. And she knew, if she had the chance, she’d give back to the institution that meant so much to her.

But how?

Financial advisor Ross Young understands that it is difficult to look toward the future and think about your legacy. However, he encourages people to consider their options – and there are many to choose from.

“For example, with a gift of life insurance, you can multiply the gift that you would otherwise be able to give,” says Ross. “This can be an easy way for people to plan a low-cost gift now that will have a high yield down the road.”

“It can be as affordable and easy as a gym membership,” Ross adds. “And you still end up with a charitable tax receipt.”

This straightforward way of giving back appealed to Vicki. When she investigated making a gift of life insurance, she felt it was the best choice for her.

“On a month-to-month basis, this was more manageable,” she says. “And it would leave a legacy down the road.”

Even a modest annual life insurance premium, paid over time, can result in a significant future legacy. Ross encourages people to consider, as Vicki did, what they believe is important and find ways of making a meaningful gift.

“If there’s a specific reason you want money to go to the U of A, talk to them,” says Ross. “It’s important to let them know so they can direct your gift in a way that is meaningful to you.”

“I believe in caring for others. With this gift, I feel secure and pleased that there will be a legacy after I pass away,” says Vicki. “I am perpetuating my passion for higher education, especially in the nursing faculty, with this gift to the U of A.”