Reimagining + Rebuilding A New First Peoples' House

Closeup of a ribbon skirt

About the project

Everything we do at the U of A must have a positive impact on U of A students and staff, the communities we work with and the communities beyond. The First Peoples’ House (FPH) rebuilding project is an essential step in delivering on these promises.

So much more than a new building

The new FPH will foster the cultural, spiritual, mental, and physical well-being for First Nations, Métis, and Inuit (FNMI) students, staff, and community members. It will provide a sanctuary where FNMI students can embrace their identities and heritage without encountering bias or judgment. This unique new space will represent the true spirit of tawâw — a Cree word meaning "Come in, you are welcome, there is room for you." It will be a vibrant and love-filled place of belonging and support, enabling students to thrive academically and personally.

The impact of the First Peoples’ House extends far beyond its walls. The students who benefit from its resources and community will go on to make significant contributions to society, inspiring future generations to pursue their dreams and make a difference! By supporting FPH, you are taking a concrete step to help shape the future in a positive way. Your donation directly enriches the lives of current students, strengthens communities, and nurtures the next generation of leaders and history-makers. 

Prioritizing student success

An improved physical space for the First Peoples’ House means expanded programming and the ability to provide supports to more FNMI students than ever before. A new building would allow FPH to grow alongside the University of Alberta community, providing enhanced resources and opportunities for FNMI students to thrive in their personal and academic journeys. As a key resource for incoming students, FPH plays an essential role in their transition to university life and their overall success.

The impact of your donation

By donating, you are investing in a space that empowers First Nations, Métis, and Inuit students to be authentically themselves and to excel in all areas of life. Your support will help create an environment where cultural and personal growth is nurtured, leading to positive ripple effects throughout the community and beyond. Join us in making a difference today and support the First Peoples’ House in its mission to inspire and uplift.



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Mandy Quon, Assistant Dean, Development, Dean of Students