Frequently Asked Questions about the University Health Centre

General information

Can I still drop in to see a physician at the UHC?

Yes, the UHC accepts drop-ins Monday to Friday during business hours (8:30 to 4:30 in the Fall/Winter, 8:00-4:00 in the Spring/Summer).

Please arrive as early as you can to see a physician, we may not be able to accommodate drop-ins later in the day. In the event that we are unable to accommodate you, we ask that you return the next business day as we will reopen drop-in availability at 8:15 am.

Can I book an appointment with a physician?
We have a limited number of appointments available to patients who have been to the clinic and seen a physician previously. If you are a new patient you will need to drop-in for your first visit.
Do I need a “meet and greet” appointment with a physician?
No, “meet and greet” appointments are not booked with the physicians at the UHC. You are welcome to drop-in to see a doctor to discuss your medical concerns.
Do you offer virtual appointments or phone calls for prescription refills?
No, we do not offer phone/virtual visits for prescription refills. Please come in to follow up with your doctor, or speak to your pharmacist about your prescription refill.
I’m a staff member, can my family members come to the UHC?
No, unfortunately we are unable to accommodate family members of staff.
Are my parents going to know I came to the UHC?
NO! Your medical information is completely confidential, we do not share any medical information with anyone, even if they call and state they are related to you. You need to provide express consent in writing before we share any information with anyone who is not you.
I don’t have healthcare, can I still come to see a physician?
Yes, however, you will need to pay out of pocket for your visits and you will be charged when you register at reception.
How do I access my student health insurance?
We are completely separate from the student health insurance. Please direct your questions to


Can I get vaccinations/immunizations done at the UHC?
Yes, we offer immunizations for health science students as well as other immunizations such as Gardasil/HPV-9. If a child is due for their routine immunizations then you should contact Public Health to schedule those, we do not offer those immunizations at the UHC
How do I start the process of completing my Health Faculty Immunization Clearance Form?
Gather all of your immunization records from infancy to present. Once you have done that, call the UHC at (780) 492-2612 to schedule your appointment with the nurses.
Do you offer PrEP?
Yes, we have a number of physicians at the UHC who prescribe PrEP. We strive to have at least one physician available every day who can prescribe PrEP.

Forms and documents

Can I get my Verification of Disability (VoD) form for Accommodations completed at the UHC?
Yes, we can complete that form. It is always recommended that you visit your family physician if possible, as they will be familiar with your medical history. If that is not possible, or you do not have a family physician, a doctor at the UHC can still fill out that form. Please be advised that it may take more than one visit to complete it. There is a fee of $50 for the form completion.
Can I get the doctor to complete a medical form for me?
Yes, you can drop-in or book an appointment with a physician to fill out the form. Your physician will need to speak to you in person to fill out the form. Some forms may be associated with fees.
How do I get a copy of my medical records?

In order for records to be released, we require a letter of consent from the patient that includes their name, birth date, Alberta Health Care number, contact information, the nature of the request, and their signature. This can be sent to the University Health Center by mail (2-200 Students' Union Building, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, T6G 2J7) or by fax (780-248-1193).

There is a fee of $25 for the first 20 pages and $0.25 per each additional page. You would be contacted for payment information before any records are sent.