Research & Publications
Cary Brown
The Sleep and Dementia Resources for Family Caregivers and the Pain and Dementia On-Line Educational Workshop are two knowledge translation activities recently undertaken by SIGA members. These evidence-based resources have been accessed by over 7,000 healthcare providers and members of the public and evaluated for their effectiveness in providing useful information for caregivers of persons with dementia. In 2010 the Pain and Dementia On-line Workshop received the Canadian Pain Society Pain Awareness Award.Recent Publications
Brown C, Schmidt A (2012) I like it but I don't have time to tell patients' families: Exploring barriers and facilitators of pain and dementia knowledge flow between healthcare providers and family caregivers. Advances in Aging Research, 1 (3) : 60-71 DOI: 10.4236/aar.2012.13008
Brown, CA, (2010) Pain in communication impaired residents with dementia: Analysis of Resident Assessment Instrument (RAI) data Dementia: The International Journal of Social Research and Practice 9 (3):375-389
A symposium entitled: "Challenging/Responsive Behaviours Symposium - Developing An Alberta Action Plan" was held at the University of Alberta in November of 2012 by SIGA members. This initiative has led to the development of Behavioural Supports Alberta - a newly forming provincial network of service providers, caregivers, policy and decision makers, researchers, and academics interested in supporting those exhibiting challenging responsive behaviours (due to mental health conditions, addictions, cognitive impairment, developmental disabilities, brain injury and other neurological conditions), as well as those who support or offer care to them.
Stuart Cleary
Stuart is an Associate Professor in the Department of Speech Pathology and Audiology and is currently serving as Chair of the SIGA group. His primary area of clinical and research interest is in the coordination of swallowing, coughing, secretion management and respiration in adults with ALS and other neurological disorders. His secondary line of research involves dysphagia and dementia, specifically the influence of the eating environment on mealtime behaviors. This past year he gave a three day workshop entitled " Current Concepts in the Clinical Management of Swallowing Disorders" to clinicians throughout The Northwest Territories in March of 2013 and to service providers at 17 sites through Northern Alberta via Telehealth in December of 2012. A research update " Current Trends in Swallowing and Breathing Treatments for Individuals with ALS" was provided to caregivers, patients, and service providers on behalf the ALS Society of Alberta in December of 2012 and a research talk " Using Lung Volume Recruitment to Improve Airway Protection while Swallowing" was given in Toronto at the ALS Society of Canada Research Forum in May of 2013.
Recent Publications
Cleary, S.,Misiaszek, J.E., Wheeler, S., Kalra, S., & Johnston, W. (2013), The effects of lung volume recruitment on coughing and pulmonary function in patients with ALS. Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Frontotemporal Degeneration, (14):111-115
Cleary, S., & Richman-Eisenstat , J. (2013), Current Trends in Respiratory Care for individuals with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis", Perspectives on Swallowing and Swallowing Disorders , (22):17-25
Britton, D., Cleary, S., & Miller, R. (2013) What is ALS and What is the Philosophy of Care? Perspectives on Swallowing and Swallowing Disorders (22):4-11
Cleary,S.,(2013) Dysphagia treatment as an alternative to tube feeding in individuals with dementia: A case study. Canadian Nursing Home, Mar-Apr; 24 (1): 11-5
Tammy Hopper
Tammy is a Professor in the Department of Speech Pathology and Audiology. Her research program has two lines. In the first, she studies the cognitive-communication abilities of individuals with dementia and other neurological disorders. The focus is on intervention to improve function. In the second line of research, Dr. Hopper explores healthcare systems and policies, across the continuum of care, regarding rehabilitation services for older adults with communication and other disorders.
Recent publications
Hopper, T & Hinton, P. (2013). Hearing health care for older adults with dementia: Barriers and Facilitators to care. Canadian Journal of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology, 36(4), 302-313
Klein, J., & Hopper, T. (2013). Restructuring a rehabilitation program for older adults: Effects on patient outcomes and staff perspectives. Canadian Journal on Aging / La Revue canadienne du vieillissement, 1-10. Available on CJO2013. doi: 10.1017/S0714980812000402.
Hopper, T., Bourgeois, M., Pimentel, J., Qualls, C., Hickey, E., Frymark, T. & Schooling, T. (2012). A systematic review of cognitive interventions for individuals with dementia. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology, 22, 126-145.
Cleary, S., Hopper, T. & Van Soest, D. (2012). Reminiscence and its effect on mealtime behaviour of individuals with dementia. Canadian Nursing Home, 23(2), 8-13.
Hopper, T., Drefs, S., Bayles, K., Tomoeda, C.K. & Dinu, I. (2010). The effects of spaced-retrieval training on the learning and retention of face-name associations by individuals with dementia. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 20 (1), 81-102.