LMS News & Updates

UPDATE - December 16, 2024


  • Winter 2025 Courses
  • Support and resources for using Canvas

For the Winter 2025 semester, students will have courses hosted on Canvas, eClass (Moodle) or both. We will be sending communications to students in January to encourage them to check both Canvas and eClass to find their courses. To ensure students can find their course materials, we encourage you to also communicate which platform(s) your course(s) is/are using, and remind students to check both platforms. Students will be advised to reach out to their course instructors if they cannot find their courses. 

Links to Canvas and eClass can always be found on ualberta.ca under "Quick Links" (header) and "Tools + Apps" (footer), and on apps.ualberta.ca. We recommend creating a bookmark for them as well.

Using Canvas for Winter 2025 courses
Winter 2025 is the last semester that you can use eClass and still have K16 courses migrated over to Canvas. Spring/Summer 2025 courses should be taught in Canvas, except in special circumstances. eClass will be read-only for Fall 2025. Even if you do not teach in Canvas in Winter 2025, it would be beneficial to get an understanding of how your courses will work, and take advantage of learning opportunities and technical supports. We strongly encourage instructors to use Canvas for Winter 2025 courses – except courses using STACK questions. 

Canvas support

  • Follow this checklist to get started.
  • Visit the Centre for Teaching and Learning for learning opportunities and consultation/pedagogical support, including asynchronous walk-throughs of building courses in Canvas. 
  • Migrated courses appear in your Canvas dashboard. You will need to review the course modules before importing this into a sandbox or new course.
  • Contact eclass@ualberta.ca for technical support while using Canvas or eClass.


Previous Updates

December 3, 2024


  • Instructors are strongly encouraged to use Canvas for Winter 2025 courses
  • End of Summer 2025, eClass will be read-only
  • Instructors can view and edit migrated past courses to prepare for Winter 2025

Using Canvas for Winter 2025 courses
Winter 2025 is the last semester that you can use eClass and still have K16 courses migrated over to Canvas. We encourage instructors to use Canvas as soon as possible to take advantage of the extra support and learning opportunities available. No new courses will be able to be created for the Fall 2025 term or beyond in eClass, as eClass will be read only by the end of the summer.

While eClass will be available for Spring and Summer 2025 courses, instructors should still only be using eClass if:

  • A course will not be offered beyond Spring and Summer 2025
  • An instructor is retiring or about to go on sabbatical/leave
  • An employee is building a course for a sessional instructor
  • Instructors are using STACK question types

Migrated courses available in Canvas
To make the transition to Canvas easy, courses from the past two years have migrated from K16 to Canvas. As of November 8, instructors can view and edit courses to prepare for Winter 2025.

Migrated courses appear in your dashboard. You must review the course modules before importing them into a sandbox or new course. Additional details on this course migration, as well as instructions for reviewing and configuring new courses, can be found in the Knowledgebase article U of A Mass Course Content Migration

New Canvas visual assets in Canto
Instructors can find department-specific course cards and faculty-specific banners to use to identify courses in Canvas in Canto (ccid required). To learn how to add these visual assets to courses, visit the Knowledgebase.

November 8, 2024


  • Migrated courses will appear in Canvas instructor dashboard
  • Classes can no longer be created in eClass after Summer 2025
  • All instructors must use Canvas for Fall 2025 classes.
  • Onboarding support available

Project Status
Migrated courses will appear in your dashboard. Instructors must review the course modules before importing them into a sandbox or new course. Additional details on this course migration, as well as instructions for reviewing and configuring new courses, can be found in the eClass Support Knowledgebase article U of A Mass Course Content Migration

Courses from Winter 2023, Fall 2023, Winter 2024, Spring 2024 and Summer 2024 are migrating to Canvas. Courses before Winter 2023 will not be migrated as part of this process. However, instructors can self-migrate earlier courses following this procedure. 

Project Timeline
While instructors have the flexibility to deliver their upcoming Winter 2025 courses in either eClass (Moodle) or Canvas, it is recommended that instructors try Canvas and access onboarding support if needed. Classes can no longer be created in eClass after Summer 2025, and all instructors must use Canvas for Fall 2025 classes. 

Onboarding support

  • If you're a course creator using Canvas for Winter 2025 courses, follow this checklist to get started.
  • Visit the Centre for Teaching and Learning for learning opportunities and consultation/pedagogical support, including asynchronous walk-throughs of building courses in Canvas. 
  • Contact eclass@ualberta.ca for technical support while using Canvas or eClass.

Onboarding support examples
Wondering whether you should set up a discussion forum as part of your course? Contact Centre for Teaching and Learning. Already set up a discussion forum, but it's not working as anticipated? Contact eclass@ualberta.ca

November 4, 2024


  • Learning opportunities
  • Migrated courses available in Canvas
  • Migration timeline

Learning opportunities
Spaces are available for the half-day, in-person workshops during Reading Week, November 12 - 14. These learning opportunities are designed to enhance your Canvas knowledge and skills during the transition. Registration for the workshops is required. Drop-in sessions are also available November 12-14.

Spaces are also available for CTL's 45-minute webinar on November 6 for more in-depth explorations of Canvas features from technical and pedagogical perspectives. Registration is required.

Workshops will be offered again in December in online and hybrid formats. Canvas learning opportunities offered in French will also be available in December.

Migrated courses available soon in Canvas
Later this month, past courses will be available in Canvas for instructors to view and edit. This will allow instructors the flexibility to deliver Winter 2025 courses in either eClass (Moodle) or Canvas.

Migration timeline
Courses from Winter 2023, Fall 2023, Winter 2024, Spring 2024 and Summer 2024 will be migrated in November. Courses prior to Winter 2023 will not be migrated.

Courses created in eClass for Fall 2024 and Winter 2025 will be migrated to Canvas in Summer 2025. After Winter 2025, courses will not be migrated from eClass. Classes can no longer be created in eClass after Summer 2025.

October 16, 2024


  • Timeline updates
  • Resources for instructors

In August, we launched Canvas, the new learning management system (LMS). 10% of our enrolments currently have a course in Canvas. We hope those of you who are already using it for your Fall 2024 courses are enjoying the new experience – congratulations on a successful transition to the new LMS! We are very excited by the progress we have made as we head towards our next milestone.

Soon, we will be entering Wave Two of the LMS transition. Past courses from Winter 2023, Fall 2023, Winter 2024, Spring 2024 and Summer 2024 will be migrated automatically to Canvas and available in November. We will share more details on the migration in the next update.

In August, the Centre for Teaching and Learning (CTL) facilitated Canvas learning opportunities focused on getting started, building course content and assessments and creating an exceptional experience for your students. Recordings of the learning sessions are now available. 
August 28, 2024


  • Project updates
  • Resources for instructors and students

Canvas is live as of August 6. Faculty and staff using the new LMS for the upcoming semester can now request their Fall 2024 term courses on Canvas using the Course Request System

The ability to launch co-curricular learning opportunities through the Course Request System is also live as of August 28. Those creating co-curricular learning opportunities may convert any courses they have previously staged in a sandbox. Examples of co-curricular learning opportunities include: training needed for a cohort of students, student pre-laboratory access training, internal faculty and staff training and internal professional development. Manual enrolment will be required for these opportunities.

Throughout the Fall 2024 semester, students will have courses hosted on Canvas, eClass (Moodle) or both. To ensure students can find their course materials, we encourage you to also communicate which platform(s) your course(s) is/are using, and remind students to check both platforms. While we will be communicating with students regularly, students have also been advised to reach out to their course instructors if they cannot find their courses. 

Links to Canvas and eClass can always be found on ualberta.ca under "Quick Links" (header) and "Tools + Apps" (footer), and on apps.ualberta.ca. We recommend creating a bookmark for them as well.

August 6, 2024


  • Project updates - Wave 1
  • Timeline update - LMS transition

August 6 marks the launch of Wave 1 for early adopters using Canvas for the Fall 2024 semester. This innovative platform will enhance the learning experience for both students and educators, providing a user-friendly interface and a variety of features designed to support our educational goals.

Faculty and staff using the new LMS for the upcoming semester can now request their Fall 2024 term courses on Canvas using the Course Request System. This system follows the same processes for eClass and allows instructors to select their specific student enrollment sections from Bear Tracks, combine multiple sections, enroll additional instructors or TAs and set the student access dates. In addition, any course content already staged in a Canvas sandbox can be copied into the new course.

Those creating co-curricular learning opportunities may continue to stage their course in a sandbox. Workflows to make that course live will follow later in the summer. 

Beginning this fall, instructors have the option to host some or all of their courses entirely in Canvas. As part of our phased approach, students may have courses hosted in either Canvas or Moodle (eClass) during the 2024-25 academic year. Later this summer, students will receive communications recommending that they log in to both platforms to find their courses. We recommend that instructors also indicate where students can find their course site.

June 26, 2024


  • Project rollout information
  • Project timeline for Fall 2024

Faculty and staff who create co-curricular learning opportunities now have the ability to stage courses in Canvas' Sandbox. Co-curricular learning opportunities are for internal audiences, require a ccid to enroll, are not for credit and do not require payment. Examples of co-curricular learning opportunities include: training needed for a cohort of students, student pre-laboratory access training, internal faculty and staff training and internal professional development.

Starting August 6, you will be able to convert co-curricular learning opportunities staged in Sandbox mode to live courses – more information will be shared when this feature becomes available.

Instructors and support staff who are interested in using Canvas can continue to stage Fall 2024 for-credit courses in the new LMS.
June 12, 2024


  • Getting ready to use Canvas
  • Try out Canvas

Instructors and support staff who create courses are invited to explore the suite of resources available now to help you start getting ready to use Canvas.

Optional: Get ready to use Canvas in Wave 1 (Fall 2024 term)

If you are a course creator who would like to use Canvas for Fall 2024 courses, you can get started with Canvas.

Additional learning opportunities 
In-person and virtual Canvas learning opportunities will start being offered in August 2024. There will be flexible schedules for course creators who want to learn how to use Canvas as they design exceptional teaching and learning experiences. 

Try out Canvas

Any instructor or support staff involved in creating courses can try out Canvas using the new U of A course template, including access to the online Canvas training portal. Simply follow these steps:

  1. Go to canvas.ualberta.ca
  2. Enter your U of A CCID and password
  3. Start exploring the U of A Canvas sandbox and course template
  4. Instructors should review this guide to learn additional details about the new template
  5. We recommend you take 30 minutes to watch step-by-step videos on setting up your course in Canvas
  6. Need technical support? Contact eclass@ualberta.ca 
May 27, 2024


  • Online recordings
  • Canvas testing

Watch Canvas training session videos
Watch any of the 10 Canvas training sessions hosted by Canvas experts during the U of A Festival of Teaching and Learning. These Sneak Peek recordings offer a deep dive into navigation and features with hands-on activities for those who want extra guidance.

Learn how to set up a Canvas course in 30 minutes or less
For those involved in creating courses who want to get oriented quickly, we encourage you to try this short online module from Canvas.

Try out Canvas
Any instructor or support staff involved in creating courses can test out Canvas using the new U of A course template, including access to the online Canvas training portal. Simply follow these steps:

  1. Go to canvas.ualberta.ca
  2. Enter your U of A CCID and password
  3. Start exploring the U of A Canvas sandbox and course template
  4. Instructors should review this guide to learn additional details about the new template
  5. We recommend you take 30 minutes to watch step-by-step videos on setting up your course in Canvas
  6. Need technical support? Contact eclass@ualberta.ca 
May 6, 2024


  • Canvas previews for instructors
  • Learning opportunities

Starting May 6, any instructor or support staff involved in creating courses can take Canvas for a test flight in the U of A sandbox. Simply follow these steps:

  1. Go to canvas.ualberta.ca
  2. Enter your U of A CCID and password
  3. Start exploring the U of A Canvas sandbox and course template
  4. Instructors should review this guide to learn additional details about the new template
  5. We recommend you take 30 minutes to watch step-by-step videos on setting up your course in Canvas
  6. Need technical support? Contact eclass@ualberta.ca 

Canvas learning opportunities

A series of Canvas workshops will take place this week (May 7-9) during the Festival of Teaching and Learning, or watch recordings that will be shared in our next update. We appreciate the enthusiasm and interest in these learning opportunities, and more events will be announced ahead of each wave. 

Thank you for taking the time to get familiar with the resources and support available as we work towards supporting exceptional learning experiences, whether they’re in the classroom or beyond.