
Our Urogynecology multidisciplinary team offers tertiary level care to patients with pelvic floor dysfunction, including urinary and fecal incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse, voiding dysfunction and other pelvic floor disorders. They offer consultation services, pessary fitting, pelvic floor physiotherapy, multichannel urodynamic studies, outpatient cystoscopy, pelvic floor education and dietician consultation. Surgical procedures include mid-urethral and pubo-vaginal slings, laparoscopic and open sacral colpopexy, vaginal repairs, colpocleisis, xenograft augmentation, bulking agents and botox for refractory overactive bladder.

This division currently has seven full-time academic Urogynecologists. Dr. Cathy Flood, Dr. Jane Schulz, Dr. Momoe Hyakutake, Dr. Annick Poirier, Dr. Erin Kelly, Dr. May Sanaee and Dr. Paul Groves. Our clinic team also includes: 3 urologists, 2 colorectal surgeon, 2 nurse practitioners, 3 nurse continence advisors, 6 physiotherapists, 3 licensed practical nurses, 1 pharmacist and 1 dietitian.

This division educates medical students, residents, allied health professionals and has a fellowship in Urogynecology through the Faculty of Medicine Postgraduate Medical Education Office at the University of Alberta.

The research in the division is clinical and multidisciplinary. Research has included studies of conservative and surgical management of urinary and fecal incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse and pelvic floor dysfunction. Educational research is also a focus of the Urogynecology division.

Since 2002, multidisciplinary team clinics have been running with Dr. Gary Gray (female urology) and Dr. Dana Mihalicz (colorectal surgery). This has fostered a new clinical environment that has enhanced patient care and led to further research ventures on more complex pelvic floor problems. In 2011, Dr. Blair St. Martin (female incontinence and prolapse, and minimally invasive surgery) joined our multidisciplinary team & Dr. Joe Laboissiere (female urology) joined our team in 2019.

Please visit our Urogynecology website here.

For more information about this division's activities, please visit the Urogynecology Research Page.

Clinical Programs & Initiatives

    • Clinical consultation with nursing, physiotherapy and physicians
    • Pelvic floor physical therapy
    • Pelvic floor education
    • Dietician teaching
    • Pharmacist assessment
    • Surgical consultation
    • Management of post-delivery pelvic floor dysfunction
    • Perineal clinic