Academic Requirements Report

The Faculty of Nursing is pleased to announce the soft-launch of the Academic Requirements Report for undergraduate nursing students. This report is a tool students can use to track the progress and completion of required courses within their program, in conjunction with the University of Alberta Calendar.

Access the Academic Requirements Report in Bear Tracks: 

From the Manage Classes menu page, select ‘Academic Requirements’.


Viewing Your Academic Requirements Report

It is strongly recommended that you only view the digital version of your Academic Requirements Report rather than the PDF version.

Each section of the report can be expanded to view all sub-sections and requirement details either by clicking expandall  or particular sections by clicking on the rightarrow aligned with a specific heading. Alternatively, you can collapse all sections by clicking the collapseall  button or a particular section with the dropdown button.

What We Need From Students: Check Report Accuracy & Report Errors

With the launch of this new reporting tool, you may notice some irregularities in your Academic Requirements Report. Please review the content of your report carefully to ensure it is accurate. 

Things to look for:

  • Is your program/year correct?
  • Are your completed courses displayed correctly?

NOTE: Students who have resequenced their program will not see a change in specific requirements within their report. UAlberta email communications will continue to address any authorized program requirement course exceptions and sequence changes in order to return to the standard program sequence.

If you notice inconsistencies between your Academic Requirements Report and the information outlined in the Calendar, please use the Report Issue link under Academic Requirements in Bear Tracks to notify the Nursing Academic Advisors. The advisors will review issues reported on a regular basis and make changes and updates as required.