Injury and Incident Reporting

Faculty of Nursing undergraduate students are required to report occasions of injury and other incidents. Routine incident reporting is required for situations of student injury ("workplace injury") or a patient safety incident. Critical incident reporting is required in addition to routine incident reporting in situations of serious risk or harm to a client/patient, student or faculty member.

Routine Incident Reporting

A) Workplace Injury

If you are injured or are exposed to human blood/body fluids during your clinical practicum let your clinical instructor know immediately. Your instructor will ensure that you receive first-aid treatment immediately and will make the charge RN aware.

First aid - What to do in the event of exposure to human blood/body fluid

  • IMMEDIATELY remove contaminated gloves, clothes, etc.
  • For mucous membranes (e.g., eyes, nose, mouth), IMMEDIATELY flush with large amounts of water for 10-15 minutes.
  • For a sharps injury, allow bleeding for 1-2 minutes. IMMEDIATELY wash the area with soap and water or alcohol-based hand rub and cover with a dressing.

Your next step is to fill out the Faculty of Nursing Critical Incident and Learning Report. All the directions on how to fill out WCB or any other forms will be there. Also included are the phone numbers of our major clinical partners in relation to Blood Fluid Exposure. When filling out the forms, the University of Alberta is the employer. 

B) Patient Safety Incident

Your first step is to fill out the Faculty of Nursing Critical Incident and Learning Report. In addition, you are required to complete the incident report form used by the clinical agency where the patient is situated.

COVID-19 Reporting

In situations of exposure to COVID-19 and/or if experiencing COVID-19 symptoms you are required to fill out the Faculty of Nursing Critical Incident and Learning Report Google form.