Clinical Accommodations

The University of Alberta's, Faculty of Nursing Accommodation in Clinical Course Procedure is congruent with the University of Alberta policy: Discrimination, Harassment and Duty to Accommodate Policy.

Learn more about the Permanent Disability and required documentation under Accessibility Resources for current students.


The purpose of the Accommodation in Clinical Course Procedure is to provide guidance to students, Nursing faculty and Accessibility Advisors regarding timely notification of accommodation needs in clinical practice. The goal is to promote success in learning and prevent disruption of learning experiences.

Each student is responsible for ensuring his or her fitness to practice in order to participate in clinical courses.

According to the Canadian Nurses Association Code of Ethics, fitness to practice is defined as "all the qualities and capabilities of an individual relevant to his/her capacity to practice as a nurse, including but not limited to, freedom from any cognitive, physical, psychological or emotional condition and dependence on alcohol or drugs that impairs his or her ability to practice nursing" (CNA, 2017).

Section 30.3.3(1) of the U of A Code of Student Behavior specifically addresses behavior in professional programs: A student enrolled in Professional Programs is bound by and shall comply with the Professional Code of Ethics governing that profession and the practice of its discipline.


Student Responsibilities

  1. Students with a documented disability are responsible for reviewing the University of Alberta Duty to Accommodate Policy
  2. Students are required to read the Requisite Skills and Abilities for Becoming a Registered Nurse in Alberta
  3. Students with disabilities (affecting mobility, vision, hearing, learning, and/or physical/mental health) who require accommodations must be registered at the Academic Success Centre in order to receive accommodations at the University of Alberta. Register for accommodations a minimum of 4 months prior to Clinical Placement and email for any assistance.
  4. Students are responsible for meeting deadline dates. Failure to provide appropriate notice of the need for accommodation to the Clinical Placement Coordinators and Accessibility Advisor may result in postponement of a clinical placement until reasonable accommodations can be determined and/or until the course is offered in the future.
  5. Students are responsible for providing information regarding the clinical placement (e.g. acute care, continuing care, mental health etc.) to their Accessibility Advisor once that information is known to the student.
  6. The student, in consultation with the Accessibility Advisor and Faculty of Nursing, will determine the reasonable accommodations that a student may require for clinical courses and may be required to complete a DRAFT Exploration of Accommodations in a Faculty of Nursing Clinical Placement.
  7. Once approved, the student is responsible for sharing the details of the accommodation agreement with the clinical Instructor and Course Lead.

Clinical Courses

Clinical courses in undergraduate nursing programs include:

NURS 221, SC INF 221, NURS 225, NURS 321, NURS 323, NURS 325, NURS 327, SC INF 327, NURS 345, NURS 431, NURS 433, NURS 435, NURS 437, NURS 485.


Canadian Nurses Association (CNA). 2017. Code of ethics for Registered Nurses. Ottawa, ON: Author. Retrieved from the Canadian Nurses Foundation

College of Registered Nurses of Alberta (CRNA). (March 2023). Requisite skills and abilities for becoming a Registered Nurse in Alberta. Edmonton, AB: Author. Retrieved from Registered Nurses of Alberta.