Application for German Research Experience
As part of the IRTG training program, students will visit Germany at least once to carry out research in a partner laboratory for 3-6 months, with travel and living expenses paid for by the IRTG. In the application for funding from NSERC, it was determined that each student would write a proposal, describing their proposed research in Germany. Our
Germany Research Experience Trainee Application Form
will assist you.
The application will be used to describe:
- in which partner lab the work will be carried out;
- the anticipated research skills that will be obtained during the research experience;
- other plans for experiences that will enrich the student (e.g. industrial visits, language training);
- estimated costs - details of budget outlined in the form
Completed proposals must be received in 4020 Katz Building, Attention: IRTG project coordinator Skirmante Tamelyte at least 2 months prior to the trip. Applications will be reviewed by the IRTG's Program Advisory Committee.
Guidelines and Expectations of Trainees
Trainees enrolled in the IRTG will have exciting opportunities and experiences available to them. With these benefits come expectations that need to be met, for the student's training and the program itself to be successful. If the trainee is accepted into the program then the obligations included in the application form need to be fulfilled. If these are not met, then the student's stipend and or enrolment in the IRTG may be withdrawn at the discretion of the IRTG's Program Advisory Committee (PAC).
Final Report
Please note that a final report, summarizing the research experience in relation to the objectives outlined in this application, will need to be submitted to the Program Advisory Committee (PAC) of the IRTG no later than one month following the return from Germany.
Practical Guide for Students Visiting Germany
Pam Bonar, (Casey lab) visited Kaiserslautern for a collaborative project. She wrote up a practical guide for students who visit Germany (useful things to know like grocery stores are not open on Sunday). Each student who travels can read the guide and hopefully modify it on their return, so we have a useful and up to date resource for the students. (IRTG Germany Practical Guide)