
Department of Linguistics Alumni
Name Year Degree Description
Vera Fiawornu 2022 MSc
Mariana Quintana 2022 MSc
Michelle Garcia-Vega 2021 PhD
Matt Kelley 2021 PhD

Postdoctoral Fellow
Department of Linguistics
University of Washington

Brian Rusk 2021 PhD
Krithika Govinda Rajan 2020 PhD
Aisha Barise 2020 MSc
Yoichi Mukai 2020 PhD

Modern Languages Studies Department, Faculty of Arts and Humanities

Vancouver Island University

Filip Nenadić 2020 PhD Department of Psychology, Faculty of Media and CommunicationsSingidunum University, Serbia
Jennifer Hinnell 2020 PhD
Wenfu Bao 2020 MSc
Ryan Podlubny 2019 PhD University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand
Isabell Hubert Lyall 2019 PhD
Abdulaziz Alarifi 2019 PhD Assistant Professor
Department of English Language & Literature
King Saud University
Kevin Penner 2019 PhD
Olivia Sammons 2019 PhD Adjunct Research Professor
Carleton University (as of 2019)
Saliu Shittu 2019 PhD
Magdalena Winters Difani 2019 MSc
Figen Karaca 2018 MSc
Abigail Toth 2018 PhD PhD Student
Artificial Intelligence, Faculty of Science and Engineering
University of Groningen, NL (as of 2019)
Kaidi Lõo 2018 PhD Research Fellow
Institute for Estonian and General Linguistics
University of Tartu, Estonia
Keren Hernandez 2018 MSc Research and Evaluation Coordinator
Health Systems Evaluation & Evidence Department
Alberta Health Services (as of 2018)
Catherine Ford 2018 MSc Treasury Board and FinanceGovernment of Alberta (as of 2018)
Lena Vasilyeva 2017 PhD Instructor
Department of Continuing Education
Northern Alberta Institute of Technology (as of 2018)
Keely Morrow 2017 MSc
Caelan Marrville 2017 PhD Mitacs Canadian Science Policy Fellow
Integrated Data Office, Data Science and Analytics Branch
Ministry of Jobs, Trade & Technology, Government of BC (as of 2018)
Tamara Sorenson Duncan 2017 PhD Postdoctoral Fellow
Department of Pediatrics
Dalhousie University (as of 2018)
Audra Phillips 2017 PhD Assistant Professor
Department of Linguistics
Payap University (as of 2018)
Matthew Kelley 2017 MSc PhD Student
Department of Linguistics
University of Alberta (as of 2018)
Graham Feeny 2017 MSc PhD Student
Department of Communicative Sciences and Disorders
New York University (as of 2018)
Michelle Sims 2016 PhD Project Manager
Knowledge Management Clinical Projects and Support Services
Alberta Health Services (as of 2018)
Ruiting Jia 2016 PhD Research Scientist
PolicyWise for Children and Families (as of 2018)
Dorothy Thunder 2016 MSc Full-Time Cree Instructor / Faculty Service Officer
Faculty of Native Studies
University of Alberta (as of 2018)
Eleanor Kinney 2016 MSc Project Manager
Mid America Mortgage, Dallas (as of 2018)
Kristina Geeraert 2016 PhD
Conor Snoek 2015 PhD Assistant Professor
Department of Indigenous Studies
University of Lethbridge (as of 2018)
Daniel Reisinger 2015 MSc
Vincent Porretta 2015 PhD Postdoctoral Fellow
Department of Psychology
University of Windsor (as of 2018)
Doug Inglis 2015 PhD Instructor
Department of Linguistics
Payap University (as of 2018)
Christopher Cox 2015 PhD Assistant Professor
School of Linguistics and Language Studies
Carleton University (as of 2018)
Guangting Wang 2014 PhD Assistant Professor
Department of Tourism
Xi'an International Studies University
Kailen Shantz 2014 MSc PhD Student
Department of Linguistics
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (as of 2018)
Hien Pham 2014 PhD Director, Center for Language Teaching and Rehabilitation
Institute of Linguistics
Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences (as of 2018)
Tsung-Ying Chen 2014 PhD Assistant Professor
Department of Foreign Languages & Literature
National Tsing Hua University (as of 2018)
Yasemin Tulpar 2014 MSc M.Sc. SLP Student
Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders
University of Alberta
Research Officer
Provincial Addiction and Mental Health Department
Alberta Health Services (as of 2018)
Daniel Aberra 2014 MSc Owner
CanAfrik Multimedia Communications, Inc. (as of 2018)
Richard Yanaky 2013 MSc Instructor
School of Applied Computing
Sheridan College (as of 2018)
Koji Miwa 2013 PhD Associate Professor
Graduate School of Humanities
Nagoya University (as of 2018)
Jill Dilts 2013 PhD Research Analyst
Ontario Ministry of Training, Colleges, and Universities (as of 2018)
Santiago Barreda 2013 PhD Assistant Professor
Department of Linguistics
University of California, Davis (as of 2018)
Dana Abdulrahim 2013 PhD Assistant Professor
Department of English Language and Literature
University of Bahrain (as of 2018)
Ching Chu Sun
(June Hendrix-Sun)
2012 MSc Postdoctoral Fellow
Seminar für Sprachwissenschaft / Quantitative Linguistics
Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen (as of 2018)
Kyle Danielson 2012 MSc Assistant Professor
Department of Psychology
University of Toronto Scarborough (as of 2018)
Grant Aiton 2012 MSc Adjunct Faculty
Language and Culture Research Centre
James Cook University (as of 2018)
Laura Teddiman 2012 PhD Postdoctoral Fellow
Department of Applied Linguistics
Brock University (as of 2018)
Sullay Kanu 2012 PhD Assistant Professor
College of Arts and Sciences
Abu Dhabi University (as of 2018)
Georgie Columbus 2012 PhD Research Coordinator
Faculty of Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation
University of Alberta (as of 2018)
Sze Man (Emily) Yiu 2012 MSc Immigration Consultant
Immigration Consultants of Canada Regulatory Council (as of 2018)
Alexandra Mateu-Martin 2012 MSc Speech Language Pathologist
Love 2 Learn, Huntington Beach, California (as of 2018)
Eric Braun 2012 MSc Instructor
Yellowwood Academy, Mercer Island, Washington (as of 2018)
Alvina Mardhani-Bayne 2011 MSc PhD Candidate
Literacy Education
Syracuse University
Research Consultant
Edmonton Public Schools (as of 2018)
Farzaneh Foroodi-Nejad 2011 PhD Lead Clinical Supervisor
Center for Social Dynamics, San Francisco (as of 2019)
Tanya Zdorenko 2011 PhD Academic Calendar Coordinator
Faculty of Graduate Studies
University of Calgary (as of 2018)
Hui Yin 2010 PhD Associate Professor
Department of English
Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (as of 2018)
Tamara Sorenson-Duncan 2010 MSc PhD Student
Department of Linguistics

University of Alberta (as of 2010)
Michelle Sims 2010 MSc PhD Student
Department of Linguistics

University of Alberta (as of 2010)
Jiali Mao 2010 MSc
Kristina Geeraert 2010 MSc PhD Student
Department of Linguistics

University of Alberta (as of 2010)
Alison Vickerman 2010 MSc National Collaborating Centre for Determinants of Health
St. Francis Xavier University
Julia Peters 2010 PhD Instructor
Department of Linguistics
MacEwan University (as of 2018)
Karin Nault 2010 PhD Owner / Speech Language Pathologist
Speech Therapy Plus - Orthophonie Plus (as of 2017)
Ruiting Jia 2010 MSc PhD Student
Department of Linguistics

University of Alberta (as of 2010)
Vianey Varela 2009 MSc Owner / Teacher / Translator / Editor
Mzansi Spanish Services, Johannesburg (as of 2018)
Antoine Tremblay 2009 PhD Data Production and Dissemination Officer
Statistics Canada
Assistant Professor
Department of Linguistics
Saint Mary's University
Zhen (Mark) Chen 2009 MSc CCC-SLP & Director
Voice and Speech Therapy Unit
Shanghai Eye & ENT Hospital (as of 2018)
Jill Bouchard-Cross 2009 MSc Senior Content Developer
Shop Direct, Liverpool
Coding Instructor
Liverpool Girl Geeks (as of 2018)
Tatiana Kryuchkova 2009 MSc Senior HR Systems Analyst
NOVA Chemicals, Calgary (as of 2019)
Marnie Krauss 2008 MSc Speech Language Pathologist
Alberta Health Services (as of 2018)
Christopher Cox 2008 MSc PhD Student
Department of Linguistics

University of Alberta (as of 2008)
Dorothy Pawlina-Pinto 2008 MSc Health Research Evaluator
Alberta Innovates (as of 2018)
Ron Thomson 2007 PhD Professor
Department of Applied Linguistics
Brock University (as of 2018)
Isabel Madeira 2007 MSc Research Analyst
Institutional Analysis & Planning
MacEwan University (as of 2018
Martin Thiering 2007 PhD Adjunct Professor
Allgemeine Linguistik
Technische Universität Berlin
Visiting Professor
Max Planck Institut für Kunstgeschichte, Rome (as of 2018)
Samuel Navarro-Ortega 2007 PhD Assistant Professor
Department of French, Hispanic, and Italian Studies
University of British Columbia (as of 2018)
Manuel Sinor 2006 PhD Professional Actor (as of 2018)
Geoffrey Stewart Morrison 2006 PhD Associate Professor of Forensic Speech Science
Centre for Forensic Linguistics
Aston University (as of 2018)
Jingxia Lin 2006 MSc Assistant Professor
School of Humanities
Nanyang Technological University (as of 2018)
Alla Ivanova 2006 MSc
Josh Holden 2006 MSc Denesųłıné Program Instructor and Curriculum Developer
Department of Indigenous Languages
Blue Quills University (as of 2018)
Laura Teddiman 2006 MSc PhD Student
Department of Linguistics

University of Alberta (as of 2006)
Fusheini Hudu 2005 MSc Senior Lecturer
Department of Linguistics
University of Ghana
(as of 2018)
Patrick Kukanu 2005 MSc Owner
Kupak Landscapes Ltd. (as of 2018)
Sarah Shulist 2004 MSc Associate Professor
Department of Anthropology
MacEwan University
(as of 2018)
Dinorah Haber 2004 MSc
Juliana De la Mora 2004 MSc Assistant Professor
Facultad de Lenguas y Letras
Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro (as of 2018)
Matthias Schirmeier 2004 PhD
Anamaria Popescu 2004 MSc Teacher
Quadra Children's Centre, Quadra Island, BC (as of 2018)
Yukari Meldrum 2003 MSc Certified Translator
Edmonton Japanese English Consulting (as of 2017)
Cinnamon Suyal 2002 MSc
Aya Okamoto 2002 MSc Sessional Faculty
Department of Humanities
MacEwan University (as of 2018)
Christian Guilbault 2002 PhD Associate Professor
Department of French
Simon Fraser University (as of 2018)
Xia Zhang 2002 PhD Principal Lecturer in Chinese
School of International Letters and Cultures
Arizona State University (as of 2018
Satomi Currah 2002 PhD Library Assistant
Elk Island Public Schools, Lamont (as of 2018)
Rei Akiyama 2002 MSc Clinical Specialist
Cochlear, Japan (as of 2018)
Chunling Zhang 2001 MSc
Hui Yin 2001 MSc PhD Student
Department of Linguistics

University of Alberta (as of 2001)
Marni Manegre 2001 MSc PhD Candidate
Applied Linguistics in Educational Technology
Universitat Rovira i Virgili
Senior Teacher B - Online TEFL
HAWO American Academy (as of 2018)
Laboratori d'Aplicacionsde la Tecnologia a l'Educació
Shaojun Ji 2001 PhD Associate Professor
Department of English Language and Literature
Chinese Culture University (as of 2018)
Gregory Thomson 2000 PhD Consultant
Global Language Learning Consultants, Ltd.
Michael Kiefte 2000 PhD Professor
School of Communication Sciences and Disorders
Dalhousie University (as of 2018)
Darrell Williams 2000 PhD
Kaori Kabata 2000 PhD Associate Professor
Department of East Asian Studies
University of Alberta (as of 2018)
Marina Blekher 2000 PhD Faculty Lecturer
Department of Linguistics
University of Alberta (as of 2018)
Ian Wallace 1999 MSc
Julia Peters 1999 MSc PhD Student
Department of Linguistics

University of Alberta (as of 1999)
Wolfram Wikeley 1999 MSc Musician / Composer (as of 2018)
Debra Elliot 1999 MSc
Laura Sabourin 1998 MSc Professor
Department of Linguistics
University of Ottawa (as of 2018)
Shannon McEwen 1998 MSc Senior Evaluations Analyst
Government of Alberta
Peter Lesetar 1998 PhD
Martha Gibson 1998 PhD Head of English Department
Sprachenzentrum / Language Resource Center
Technische Universitaet Darmstadt (as of 2018)
Hong Zhu 1998 MSc
Kyoko Sato 1998 MSc Translator
Japan Communications
Greg Skrypiczajko 1997 MSc Owner / Instructor
Canadian English Language Services, Inc.
Fang Chen 1997 PhD
Wendan Li 1996 PhD Associate Professor
Department of Asian Studies
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (as of 2018)
Michael Kiefte 1996 MSc PhD Student
Department of Linguistics

University of Alberta (as of 1996)
Yeo Yoon 1995 PhD Department of English Education
Seoul National University of Education
Kaori Kabata 1995 MSc PhD Student
Department of Linguistics

University of Alberta (as of 1995)
Elyse K. Abraham 1995 PhD
Darrell Williams 1994 MSc PhD Student
Department of Linguistics

University of Alberta (as of 1994)
Yuhuan Wang 1994 PhD Instructor
Department of English, Languages, and Cultures
Mount Royal College
Radecka Appiah-Padi 1994 MSc Assistant Dean
Workforce Development and Community Education
Delaware County Community College
Andrea Kross 1993 MSc
Ruth A. Dyck 1993 MSc
Grace Wiebe 1992 PhD Arts Resource Center
University of Alberta
Karen S. Watson 1992 MSc
Sharon Storoschuk 1992 MSc Cranial Sacral Therapist & Intuitive Healer
Cranial Sacral Therapy, Vancouver
Murray J. Munro 1992 PhD Professor
Department of Linguistics
Simon Fraser University
Betty Karpinski 1992 MSc
Katharine Hayden 1992 MSc
Karla Dolinsky 1992 MSc School Counsellor
St. Margaret's School, Victoria
Laverne van Ryk 1991 MSc Retired Writer
Ming-Ming Pu 1991 PhD Professor of English
Department of Humanities
University of Maine at Farmington
Susan R. Merino 1990 MSc
Satomi Currah 1990 MSc PhD Student
Department of Linguistics

University of Alberta (as of 2000)
Jean E. Andruski 1990 MSc Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders
Wayne State University
Barbara Jacennik 1990 PhD Senior Lecturer
Psychology Department
University of Finance and Management
Karen Tjosvold-Duncan 1989 MSc
Paul L. Bergen 1989 MSc
Sandra L. Bellan 1989 MSc
Janice L. Adlington 1988 MSc Collection Development Coordinator
Department of Collections
McMaster University
Diane J. Dennis 1988 MSc
Murray J. Munro 1987 MSc PhD Student
Department of Linguistics

University of Alberta (as of 1987)
Maureen Ehrensberger-Dow 1987 PhD Professor of Translation Studies
Institute of Translation and Interpreting & School of Applied Linguistics
Zurich University of Applied Sciences
Martha L. Smith 1987 MSc
Michiko Kawashima 1987 PhD
Tracey Derwing 1987 PhD Professor Emeritus
Department of Educational Psychology
University of Alberta (as of 2018)
Katherine Tiede 1986 MSc Instructor
Technische Universität Wien
Sik Lee Cheung-Denning 1986 MSc
Hsu Samuel Wang 1985 PhD Department of Foreign Languages and Applied Linguistics
Yuan Ze University
Sherrie E. Shammass 1985 PhD
Randy A. Harris 1985 MSc Professor
Department of English Language and Literature

University of Waterloo
Daniel P. Fearon 1985 PhD
Sook W. Cho 1985 PhD Professor
Department of English Literature and Linguistics
Sogang University
Peter Assmann 1985 PhD Professor
School of Behavioral and Brain Sciences
University of Texas at Dallas
Ronald Smyth 1985 PhD Professor Emeritus
Centre for French & Linguistics
University of Toronto, Scarborough (as of 2018)
Caroline Riches 1984 MSc Associate Professor
Department of Integrated Studies in Education
McGill University
Timothy Reeve 1984 MSc Trainer
Four Point Solutions Ltd.
Gunilla C. Laurell 1984 MSc
Nobuya Itagaki 1984 PhD Professor
Department of English Education
Miyagi University of Education
Kathy Look Howery 1984 MSc AAC Consultant
kATe Consulting, Inc.
Janet Schwegel 1984 MSc Managing Editor
Legislative Assembly of Alberta
Geetha Krishnan 1983 MSc
Mary Kolic 1983 MSc
Thomas Welz 1982 MSc Arts Resource Centre
University of Alberta
Georgia Magnera 1982 PhD
Bruce Connell 1982 MSc Centre for Research on Language and Culture Contact
York University, Glendon
Patricia Hunter 1981 MSc
Mayadevi Gante 1981 PhD
Maureen Ehrensberger-Dow 1981 MSc PhD Student
Department of Linguistics

University of Alberta (as of 1981)
Patricia E. Lynkowsky 1980 MSc
Dale Stevenson 1979 PhD
Jenn-Shann J. Lin 1979 PhD Professor Emeritus
Department of East Asian Studies
University of Alberta (as of 2018)
Peter Assmann 1979 MSc PhD Student
Department of Linguistics

University of Alberta (as of 1979)
Bong-Hee Choi 1978 MSc
Brian F. Doherty 1978 MSc Software Developer
North Side Inc., Montreal
Catherine Fletcher 1978 MSc
Terry R. Hull 1978 PhD
Jeffry F. Pelletier 1978 MSc Professor Emeritus
Department of Philosophy & Department of Linguistics
Simon Fraser University
Department of Philosophy
University of Alberta (as of 2018)
J. Raymond Reid 1977 PhD Computer Consultant
Geoffrey T. Rowe 1977 MSc
Restituto M. Cena 1976 PhD
Bruce F. Millar 1976 MSc
John C. L. Ingram 1975 PhD School of Languages and Cultures
University of Queensland
Karel McCarthy 1975 MSc
Christine M. Andrew 1974 PhD
Susan J. Innes 1974 MSc
Purushottam G. Patel 1974 PhD Adjunct Professor (retired)
Department of Linguistics
University of Ottawa
Anthony Whitehurst 1974 MSc Principal Consultant
A.R. Whitehurst, M.Sc., Consulting Services
Paul J. Fletcher 1973 PhD Professor Emeritus
Department of Speech and Hearing Sciences
University College Cork (as of 2018)
Wendy W. Russell 1973 MSc
Donald G. Frantz 1970 PhD Professor Emeritus
Native American Studies
University of Lethbridge (as of 2018)
J. K. (Jack) Chambers 1970 PhD Professor Emeritus
Department of Linguistics
University of Toronto (as of 2018)
Randy P. Harris 1970 MSc
Patricia E. Lynkowsky 1970 MSc PhD Student
Department of Linguistics

University of Alberta (as of 1970)
Donald Watkins 1970 PhD
Foong-Heng (Irene) Wong 1970 PhD
Romano R. Bonello 1968 MSc
Eung-Do Cook 1968 PhD Professor Emeritus
School of Languages, Linguistics, Literatures and Cultures
University of Calgary (as of 2018)
Ekkehard W. Kottke 1968 MSc
Yasuyo Nakagomi 1967 MSc English Instructor
Tokyo Women's Christian University Junior College
Grace Jolly-McKay 1965 MSc
Neville J. Lincoln 1963 MSc Professor (retired)
Department of Linguistics
Simon Fraser University (as of 2018)