The Linguistics Graduate Student Association (LGSA) is hosting an event for the CCP Spring Training in Experimental Psycholinguistics (STEP@CCP) workshop. Dr. Chris Westbury (Dept. of Psycology, UofA) will be presenting: "Chasing Ryle, Roombas, and a wild goose: The past and future of a category error" on Sunday, May 4 at 7:30 at Dewey's, Old Power Plant, North Entrance.
This event, sponsored by LGSA, GSA , CCP and the Department of Psychology (UofA) is on the first evening of the Psycholinguistics workshop STEP and is open to local and incoming participants of the workshop, grad students, faculty and post-docs. This event will give a little thematic backdrop to the workshop as well as the opportunity to get to know each other and for interdisciplinary and departmental communication (and of course general merriment).
Please see attached poster for more information.