Publications Archive - 2013
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Ethics and Genomic Incidental Findings
The American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics (ACMG) recently issued a statement (1) recommending that all laboratories conducting clinical sequencing seek and report pathogenic and expected pathogenic mutations for a short list of carefully chosen genes and conditions....
Reassessing direct-to-consumer portrayals of unproven stem cell therapies: is it getting better?
Aim: To determine whether increased scrutiny of 'stem cell tourism' has resulted in changes to online claims by clinics that provide putative unproven stem cell treatments. Materials & methods: We analyzed historical and current versions of clinics' websites. The study sample consisted of 18 websites included in a 2008 peer-reviewed study and an additional 12 clinics identified through the Google™ search engine...
The Assisted Human Reproduction Act Reference and the Thin Line Between Health and Crime
When should health be treated as a subject of criminal law? With respect to health, the Constitution Act, 18671 does not specifically assign legislative authority to any level of government.2 As a result, Parliament and provincial legislatures can enact laws relating to health...