Health Law Institute
In 1977 Justice Ellen Picard launched the Faculty of Law’s Health Law Institute (HLI), establishing the very first research institute in Canada in the health law field.
Over the past four decades it has evolved from a resource center, to an internationally recognized centre for evidence based health law and science policy research, and is fittingly home to several of Canada's leading health law scholars, including Professors Timothy Caulfield, Gerald Roberston, Peter Carver, Erin Nelson, and Ubaka Ogbogu, among others. To read more, click here.

Timothy Caulfield; Health Law and Policy; Biotechnology and Science Policy; Bioethics

Erin Nelson; Health Law; Health Care Ethics; Health Policy; Women's Health Law and Policy; Reproductive Health Law and Policy; Tort Law

Ubaka Ogbogu; Health Law and Science Policy Studies, Law and Bioethics, Legal History of Science/Medicine, Pharmacy Law and Ethics, and the Law of Torts

Alessandro Marcon; Bioethics; Health Communications; Social Media

Blake Murdoch; Health Law and Policy; Bioethics; Science Policy
Robyn Hyde-Lay
Executive Director
Phone: 780-492-7577
Candice Kozak
Research Administrative Coordinator
Phone: 780-492-6127
Mailing address:
Health Law Institute
Office 470, Faculty of Law
University of Alberta, Edmonton AB T6G 2H5
Quick Links
News and Media

Science Up First
25 January 2021
#ScienceUpFirst is a social media movement developed by a team of independent scientists, health care providers and science communicators to stop the spread of misinformation around COVID-19. Our goal is to put science first and we need your help!

Harder Better Faster Stronger
22 October 2024
Timothy Caulfield's new documentary comes out this week on CBC and CBC Gem

Healthy Debate: Hey Canada, let’s stop the homeopathy lie
20 October 2024
Editor’s Note: As Alberta considers whether homeopathy and other alternative medicine should be covered under the provincial health-care system, we thought it was time to republish this 2016 column from renowned misinformation expert and University of Alberta professor Timothy Caulfield.

Scientific American: Long COVID Is Harming Too Many Kids
18 October 2024
Long covid is harming too many kids, and we keep letting them be reinfected with new variants. We cannot ignore the accumulating risk of long covid in children who may be infected once or twice a year.

Midday on 880 CHED: No, turbo cancer isn’t a thing – and why we should be skeptical of homeopathy
19 October 2024
Timothy Caulfield, Professor of health law and science policy, author, speaker, and TV host speaks with Courtney Theriault
Current Research
The interdisciplinary research conducted by the Health Law Institute is funded by a number of organizations.
Current research projects include:
Health Law Journals
From 1991-2014 the Health Law Institute produced quarterly publications. These -- specifically the Health Law Journal and Health Law Review - have contributed significantly to the development and discussion of Canadian health law and science policy, and have served as invaluable resources for entities such as the Supreme Court of Canada, as well as publication outlets for a broad range of legal scholars. Quarterly issues are archived on this site and are available via institutional libraries.
Health Law Journal
Health Law Review