University of Alberta announces the reappointment of Dr. Kerry Mummery as Dean of the Faculty of Physical Education and Recreation
A duly constituted Dean Review Committee concluded its deliberations, and the Board of Governors approved the Committee's recommendation that Dr. Mummery be reappointed for a second five-year term of office, to be effective on July 1, 2015.
In his first term as Dean, Dr. Mummery guided the Faculty through a great deal of change and has been an articulate and respected voice for the Faculty of Physical Education and Recreation. Under his leadership, a number of facilities have been completed, including the Saville Community Sports Centre, PAW Centre and the renovations to the Van Vliet Complex and University Hall,which will now bring the Faculty together physically.
A review of undergraduate curriculum has resulted in significant program changes both in kinesiology and in recreation, sport and tourism. The Faculty has attracted several new professors and established its first endowed professorship, initiated a strategic review of research, and increased levels of grant funding.
Dr. Mummery has been a strong advocate for research, teaching and the learning experience of graduate students in the Faculty. He has been proactive in building effective relationships with other faculties, for purposes that include the development of new interdisciplinary programs, as well as with external partners.