Requesting New Reports and Report Changes
- request new reports from existing templates for previously or newly created chartfield values and tree nodes,
- change chartfield values for tree nodes/rolllup reports (see Note 1), or
- delete reports.
- Users complete the nVision Report Request and Maintenance Form on Forms Cabinet. For rollup reports (see Note 1), users complete the Tree Maintenance Form on Forms Cabinet.
The nVision Report Request and Maintenance Form identifies the report template and the chartfield values for each report being requested. Clicking on the Options tab at the bottom of this form will display a worksheet listing the chart of accounts for each report template available for request. Depending on the request, the nVision Report Request and Maintenance Form and the Tree Maintenance Form may be used together or they may be used independently (see Note 2). - Users send the Excel form(s) to their faculty/central services unit senior financial officer (SFO).
- The SFO reviews the Excel form(s) and ensures that it is completed correctly.
- The SFO emails the Excel form(s) to Financial Services:, with subject line: nVision request or Tree maintenance.
Note: Forms in Adobe PDF format will not be accepted as Financial Services enters information onto the form prior to returning it to the unit. - Once the reports have been set up, Financial Services will return the nVision Report Request and Maintenance Form to the SFO with the nVision Report Request ID and description.
Note 1:
A rollup nVision report is a report based on a number of chartfield values. These rollup reports are identified on the Options tab of the nVision Report Request and Maintenance Form where a tree node is referenced for a chartfield. Changing the chartfield values that roll up to these tree nodes or defining new tree nodes for these reports may be requested by completing the Tree Maintenance Form.
Note 2:
- Users submit the nVision Report Request and Maintenance Form when requesting new, or deleting existing, reports based on single chartfield values or when requesting new, or deleting existing, rollup reports where the chartfield values (tree nodes) are already defined.
- Users submit both forms when defining new chartfield rollups (tree nodes) and requesting reports based on the new chartfield rollups.
- Users submit the Tree Maintenance Form when requesting changes to chartfield values in existing rollup reports. The existing rollup reports will automatically pick up these new values after the tree changes have been applied.
Other notes:
To manage the administrative and system support efficiently for the setup of nVision Reports, given:
- that the nVision tool does not have a mechanism for prompts to be entered by the user, and
- the number of possible chartfield values and chartfield combinations at the University
nVision Report Requests are not set up to generate a report for individual chartfield values or individual chartfield combinations. An nVision Report Request is set up for a (1) department/faculty/unit, and (2) report type. A report type is the report template and chartfield combination. One nVision Report Request may generate multiple reports depending on whether the department/faculty/unit requires reports based on multiple chartfield values or multiple chartfield combinations for the same report type. Alternatively, the filter option in Report Manager may be used to search and select one report after multiple nVision reports have been generated. For more information on this filter see the Introduction to Financial Reporting Training Guide on the Finance and Learning Program website (CCID and password required).
Last Update: March 2015