
Spring 2025

Culturally Responsive Pedagogy in Music Education: EDU 595 (on-campus)

May 2 & 3, 9 & 10, 23 & 24, 30 & 31
Friday 5:00 pm -8:30 pm
Saturday 8:30 am - 12:50 pm

Instructor: Dr. Kathy Robinson

This course will be a comprehensive exploration of culturally responsive pedagogy and its extensions, including culturally sustaining pedagogy, in elementary music. Culturally Responsive Pedagogy (CRP) aims to center the cultures, musics, languages and lived experiences of the students who we teach and learn from in our increasingly diverse Canadian society. Central to the course will be the investigation of current research on and best practices in culturally responsive/sustaining pedagogy for K-6 children. Hands-on music experiences, guest presenters, video recordings, research and professional readings, and group discussions and presentations will be the vehicles for our learning.


Summer 2025

Kodály Levels I & III: Musicianship, Pedagogy & Choral

Pre-class work for Level I and Level II: Online work through University of Alberta eClass. Contact Anita Perlau upon registering at

July 7 – 18, 2025
On-Campus Classes:  8:30 am – 4:30 pm

 Level 1: EDEL 495/EDU 595

Anita Perlau - Pedagogy & Materials
Marni Strome - Musicianship, Conducting & Choral Ensemble

Level III: EDU 595

Instructors: Kodaly Instructors are of international renown and sponsored by the university’s Wirth Institute

These courses are designed for in-service and pre-service teachers and community musicians interested in strengthening their teaching skills to foster love and understanding of music through literacy. With singing as the foundation, pedagogical principles and practices to support the musical growth of children and adolescents in primary and elementary (Level I) and upper elementary, junior high and high school (Level III) settings will be explored with a special emphasis on culturally sensitive, contemporary pedagogy inspired by Zoltán Kodály. The creation of a positive classroom environment for the development of musical understanding will be explored with daily hands-on experience of learner-centred materials, resources and teaching strategies appropriate for these settings. Choral repertoire and vocal pedagogy suitable for children and adolescents will be examined. Students will have the opportunity to develop and refine their personal singing, musicianship and conducting skills in the context of daily course activities.
Prerequisite: The ability to read, write, and analyze music using staff notation (Level I) and successful completion of Kodály Level II (Level III).

For further information, please contact, or Dr. Kathy Robinson at

Orff Schulwerk Levels I & II

July 21 – August 1, 2025 (Monday through Friday)
On Campus classes: 9 am – 4:30 pm

Level I:  EDEL 495/EDU 595

Sue Harvie - Ensemble & Pedagogy
Andy Funke - Recorder
Laurel Nikolai - Movement

Level I: The Orff approach to music education is holistic, experiential and process-oriented. Students learn by active participation as they experience music through moving, speaking, singing, performing body percussion, and playing non-pitched and pitched instruments. Level I explores basic Orff techniques, including the use of the pentatonic scale, ostinato, bordun (drone) accompaniments, and the elemental style developed by composer Carl Orff and his colleague, Gunild Keetman. 

Prerequisite: The ability to read, write, and analyze music using staff notation.

Level II (and pre-2022 Level III): EDU 595

Kim Friesen Wiens - Ensemble & Pedagogy
Andy Funke - Recorder
Laurel Nikolai - Movement

Level II (and pre-2022 Level III) is a newly revised two-week course where educators consolidate the learning from Level I and go on to explore hybrid meters, hexatonic and modal melodies and accompaniments as well as extended forms, through movement, playing, improvising, and composing. Students develop practical skills in lesson-planning and teaching in a supportive environment. Recorder study focuses on learning to play Alto Recorder (Baroque Fingering) and continues to review Soprano Recorder. Movement vocabulary builds on Level I work through active participation in set dances and the concepts of elemental music as the creative and artistic expression of self. Prerequisite: Successful completion of Orff Schulwerk Level I (or Level II prior to 2022) endorsed by Carl Orff Canada. 

Prerequisite: Successful completion of Orff Schulwerk Level I (or Level II prior to 2022) endorsed by Carl Orff Canada.

For more information, email or

Dalcroze Eurhythmics: Movement-Based Music Education

Instructor:  Dr. David Frego, Pennsylvania State University (retired)  
Sponsored by a grant from the estate of Dr. Elizabeth Filipkowski

August  5-9, 2025
On-Campus Classes:  9:00 am – 4:30 pm (Tuesday through Saturday)

Pre-class work for Level I and Level II: Online work through University of Alberta eClass.  Contact Dr. Kathy Robinson upon registering

Participants will engage in internalizing all elements of music through purposeful movement. Focus will include teaching this approach through all grade levels as well as therapeutic approaches for special needs and older adults. A brief pre-course history/philosophy paper will be required in order to familiarize the participants in Dalcroze Eurhythmics.


These courses can be taken as a student in Open Studies, in our new Graduate Certificate in Elementary Music Teaching and Learning or in the Master’s program. All courses are offered at a higher domestic tuition rate of $1477 per course.

Elementary Music Certificate and Masters students are registered first in these Music Academy courses. Registration for Summer Open Studies students begins only after May 2.

Open Studies students must have been accepted by Open Studies, paid their deposit (if asked) and been given permission to register in order to do so on or after May 2.