Student Non-Academic Conduct
The University is defined by tradition as a community of people dedicated to the pursuit of truth and advancement of knowledge, and as a place where there is freedom to teach, freedom to engage in research, freedom to create, freedom to learn, freedom to study, freedom to speak, freedom to associate, freedom to write and to publish. However, these freedoms come with the responsibility to respect and not infringe upon these freedoms when they are exercised by others. For these freedoms to exist, it is essential to maintain a learning environment that fosters the safety, security, and inherent dignity of each member of the community and to ensure that students conduct themselves accordingly.
Policies and procedures related to non-academic student conduct:
- Student Conduct Policy
- Student Misconduct Complaint Procedure
- Student Misconduct Appeal Procedure
- Student Misconduct Ticket Procedure
- Sexual and Gender Based Violence Policy
- Discrimination, Harassment and Duty to Accommodate Policy
- Information Technology Use and Management Policy
- Protocol 91: Protocol for Urgent Cases of Disruptive, Threatening or Violent Conduct