8:30am - 4:00pm
Rosebud Room
McDougall Centre
455 6 St SW
Calgary, AB
To register, click here.
This one day seminar is focused on competencies for the Japan market and will demonstrate how intercultural competence correlates very closely to success in international business. The seminar will take a close look at identifiable challenges in business processes and practices and how these affect business results in Japan. Experienced speakers (including Mr. Joseph Caron, Former Canadian Ambassador to Japan) will further develop your understanding of how cultural competence can enhance your success in Japan, how the Japanese economy and political system affect business and will explore the challenges and
opportunities of the Japan market.
Most important, the workshop will assist you to recognize some of the strategies which can lead to effective engagement with Japanese business managers.
Using a combined approach of presentations, group discussion and networking, you will
explore some of these important topics:
- Why is doing business with Japan important to Canada and Alberta?
- Navigating the Japanese business environment: what are key differences in business practices?
- What must you understand of the Japanese manager and corporate governance in Japan?
- What are some practical strategies to developing successful business plans?
- What are challenges for SMEs in working with large organizations?
View the brochure flyer here.
Northeast Asia Branch
International and Intergovernmental Relations