Hutchinson, Roger

Professor Emeritus, Emmanuel College of Victoria University in the University of Toronto
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

+1 416 585-4541

Dr. Hutchinson holds a Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering from the University of Alberta (1958) and a Bachelor of Divinity from Queen's Theological College (1966), as well as a Masters in Ethics and Society, Divinity School of the University of Chicago (1968) and a Th.D. in Christian Ethics from Victoria University in the University of Toronto (1975). Hutchinson joined the Department of Religious Studies at the University of Toronto, later becoming affiliated with Emmanuel College where he served as Principal from 1996 to 2001. Over many decades Hutchinson has encouraged and participated in shaping a Canadian contextual social ethics. His abiding interest in social ethics and in religious engagement with public issues is focused on seeking the consensus and self-knowledge required to achieve cooperation in the search for a just, participatory, and sustainable society. One of Hutchinson's many notable accomplishments is his development of a method of dialogue for ethical clarification in situations of diversity. He was presented an Honorary Doctor of Divinity from the University of Victoria. He is a member of the Joint Centre for Bioethics, University of Toronto. Since 2002 Hutchinson has been Professor Emeritus, Emmanuel College of Victoria University in the University of Toronto.

Areas of Interest

Health and Healthcare
Public Policy and Faith-Based Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)
Religion and Ecology
Religion and Law
Wars and International Conflict

Related materials

"The Limits of Ethics in a Militarized World." Project Ploughshares Consultation. Defence Beyond Borders: A Consultation on Canada's Military. Responsibilities in the Emerging World Order. Cedar Glen Learning Centre, Bolton, Ontario. January 15-17, 1993.

"The Public Faith of a Democratic Socialist." Journal of Canadian Studies 21.2 (1986): 26-37.

"The Dene and Project North: Partners in Mission." Proceedings of a conference sponsored by the Association for Canadian Studies and the Graduate Centre for Religious Studies, University of Toronto. Held at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, Toronto, Ontario. MAY 23-26, 1984. Published in Comparative Canadian Studies/Études canadiennes comparées. VII (1985).

"Religion, Ethnicity and Public Policy." Religion and Ethnicity. Eds. Harold Coward and Leslie Kawamura. Calgary Institute for the Humanities. Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 1977.

Doing Ethics in a Pluralistic World