
Senate members visit the Katz Group Centre for Pharmacy and Health Research for their September 2024 Plenary meeting.2024-25 U of A Senators

2023-24 Senate Annual Report


  • INQUIRE - Identify and explore issues, ask questions, seek community input, and offer recommendations based on experiences and initiatives both within and beyond the focus of post-secondary education.
  • PROMOTE - Advance the reputation of the University of Alberta through informal advocacy and celebration within circles of personal, professional, and community influence.
  • CONNECT - Build bridges, connecting University of Alberta programs and people with initiatives and peers in the community while also engaging community leaders in University opportunities.


The University of Alberta Senate, an independent body of diverse community leaders and University representatives, is valued for the role it places in successfully examining, fostering, and celebrating the achievements and excellence of the University of Alberta, resulting in an enhanced relationship with the community.


'To inquire into any matter that might benefit the University and enhance its position in the community.' - Alberta Post-Secondary Learning Act, 2003


  • INTEGRITY - Honest and ethical behaviour - as outlined in the University of Alberta's Statement of Ethical Conduct.
  • LEADERSHIP and SERVICE - Commitment to Senate's values and operating principles, modelling exemplary leadership, and engagement in delivering Senate's mandate.
  • COMMUNITY and UNIVERSITY BALANCE - Reflecting the needs of both the University and the community.
  • COLLABORATION and TEAMWORK - Engaged with and demonstrating respect for Senate and University colleagues, stakeholders, and partners.
  • CREATIVITY and INNOVATION - Bringing forth novel approaches to address University and Senate issues and opportunities.
  • RESPECT FOR HISTORY and TRADITION - Providing effective stewardship of the University's rich history and traditions.
  • FOCUS ON RESULTS - Tenacious commitment to achieving Senate goals.

What We Do

Senate Strategic Plan

Chancellor's Forum
Task Forces
Honorary Degrees
Book the Senate Chamber
Emil Skarin Fund
Representatives, Liaisons & Lay Observers

U School Logo    Chancellor's Cup Logo

Contact Us

Office of the Chancellor & Senate
322 Arts & Convocation Hall
University of Alberta
Edmonton, AB     T6G 2E6

Senate Staff Contacts