Booking the Senate Chamber

University of Alberta Senate Chamber

Located in 326 Arts and Convocation Hall, the Senate Chamber is currently used for seminars and small meetings as part of academic programs, and Senate also uses it for its committee meetings.


Senate Chamber Availability     Parking Map for Senate Chamber

Book the Senate Chamber

If you are interested in booking the Senate Chamber, please contact Amissa Jablonski in the Senate Office with the date, time, title and brief description of your requested booking.  The Senate Chamber is booked on a first come, first served basis.

We automatically book 30 minutes of setup time before bookings and and 30 minutes of tear down time after bookings, unless otherwise notified. Please see the calendar to check for availability

KEY PICK UP - It is the responsibility of the parties booking the Senate Chamber to make arrangements for the key and room access.

Senate Chamber Details

  • Seating Capacity: 44 total (20 around table, 24 around edge of the room)
  • Technology: Large TV screen suitable for presentations and videos. There is no computer in the Chamber, users must bring their own, if required
  • Connections: HDMI compatible (cables available, Apple users must bring own connectors)
  • Videoconference: Zoom and Google Meet capabilities for hybrid settings - requires simultaneous HDMI and USB hookup capabilities for user supplied laptop - please talk to Amissa about set up
  • Food and Beverage: Allowed in the Chamber, but we ask that users are respectful of the historic nature of the space

Senate Chamber Foyer
The Foyer directly outside the Chamber is included with its booking, should you need. It contains a number of arm chairs, along with a table and chairs, small desk, and access to power. Students use the space for studying and relaxation and Senate Chamber users have hosted small receptions or held registrations in the foyer. Please contact Amissa for questions about Foyer use. We ask that if you rearrange the furniture in the foyer outside the Chamber, please return it to its original configuration.

Catering Clean Up
Please place any catering materials outside of the Chamber so they can be retrieved by the vendor.  Ideally, they should be placed on the desk or floor in the Senate Chamber Foyer near the southwest door (fire door that leads to the elevator).  All surfaces where food has been must be wiped down and any leftovers removed.  Catering in the Foyer must also be tidied and placed in the same location following your booking to allow for its return to regular useFailure to do so may impact future ability to book the Chamber and Foyer. 

The Chamber should be left as neat or better than the state in which you found it.

What We Do

Senate Strategic Plan

Chancellor's Forum
Task Forces
Honorary Degrees
Book the Senate Chamber
Emil Skarin Fund
Representatives, Liaisons & Lay Observers

U School Logo    Chancellor's Cup Logo

Contact Us

Office of the Chancellor & Senate
322 Arts & Convocation Hall
University of Alberta
Edmonton, AB     T6G 2E6

Senate Staff Contacts