Honorary Degrees

Frequently Asked Questions Nominate Someone for an Honorary Degree
The vision of the University of Alberta is to inspire the human spirit through outstanding achievements in learning, discovery and citizenship in a creative community, building one of the world's great universities for the public good. This vision will be reflected in the individuals who receive honorary degrees from the University.
Honorary degrees are intended to honour individuals whose character and whose extraordinary intellectual, artistic or athletic achievements or service to society set a standard of excellence that merits the University's highest honour. In accepting an honorary degree, the recipient also honours the spirit of the University.
Honorary degrees are intended to honour individuals of upstanding character whose contributions are extraordinary and inspirational. Honorary degrees celebrate individuals who have had a transformative impact and who represent diverse backgrounds and fields of endeavour, including:
- Leading academics in all disciplines,
- Creative minds in arts and performance,
- Athletes of extraordinary achievement,
- Public intellectuals and opinion-makers,
- Visionary leaders in the public, private and not-for-profit sectors,
- Contributors of long-standing and exemplary service to the University, and
- Community builders and philanthropists.
Past Honorary Degree Recipients Principles, Policies & Procedures
Honorary degrees are conferred honoris causa, "for the sake of honor". Honorary degrees are awarded as one of three types: Doctor of Laws, honoris causa; Doctor of Letters, honoris causa; or Doctor of Science, honoris causa.
Anyone, including members of the public, can nominate anyone they feel meets the criteria above for a University of Alberta Honorary Degree. Current members of the Board of Governors, the Senate and members of the academic and non-academic staff at the University of Alberta will not normally be considered for an honorary degree. Current holders of elected office in Canada will not be considered for an honorary degree. Honorary degrees are not conferred posthumously or in absentia.
Under the Post-Secondary Learning Act, the Chancellor may, on the authorization of the Senate, grant an honorary degree on a person.
The University of Alberta Senate's Honorary Degrees Committee chooses the honourees. Its membership includes the following: the Chancellor, the President and Vice-Chancellor; the Provost and Vice President (Academic); representatives from the academic community including Deans and Professors; and representatives from the Support Staff, the Alumni Association, the Students' Union, the Graduate Students' Association; and elected and appointed Senators from the community.
Use of the Title
An Honorary Degree is a great honour, but it is an honour. It is not exactly a degree. Honorary Degree Recipients may be addressed as Dr. (Name) by the University of Alberta in official correspondence and orally during events and ceremonies. Recipients are not addressed as Dr. (Name) by other bodies (i.e. other academic institiutions) or in their professional or personal lives. They continue to be addressed with the title to which they were previously entitled prior to receiving the Honorary Degree (i.e. Mr./Mrs./Dr. etc).
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Honorary Degrees
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Contact Us
Office of the Chancellor & Senate
322 Arts & Convocation Hall
University of Alberta
Edmonton, AB T6G 2E6