Research Day 2023 was a great success!

The agenda was packed with great presentations both from the podium and in the poster sessions, and it was an engaging and educational day with lots of valuable networking opportunities. Thank you to everyone who joined us!
AWARD Recipients
Congratulations to all our award winners!!
Research Day Presentation Awards
Best Oral Presentation
Marwa Ramsie, “Development of novel vasopressor therapy during neonatal resuscitation”
Runner-up Oral Presentation
Saymon Tejay, “Tumor-Secreted Nucleosides Promote RbFox1 Degradation and Signalling Pathways Relevant to Dedifferentiation in Cardiomyocytes; A Two-Hit Hypothesis with Implications for Cardiotoxicity”
Best 3MT-style Presentation
Dr. Brittany Gruber, “Ertugliflozin does not inhibit the late component of the cardiac voltage-gated sodium channel”
Best Poster Presentation
Joshua Kranrod, "Cardioprotective Properties of the Synthetic 19,20-poxydocosapentaenoic Acid Analogue SA-22"
Si Ning Liu, "Enhanced hepatic mitochondrial respiration in the hyperacute phase of late-onset sepsis may be a protective mechanism"
DR. Francis X. Witkowski Publication Award 2023
Dr. Matthew Martens for "Reactive Oxygen Species Modulator 1 (ROMO1) Plays an Obligate Role in Cardiomyocyte Hypertrophy"Matthew D. Martens, PhD; Claudia D. Holody, BSc; Lisa Wellsh; Heidi L. Silvera; William W Du, PhDh; Courtney Reeks, BSc; Mostafa Khairy, MSc; Huachen Chen, PhD; Mourad Ferdaoussi, PhD; Stephane L. Bourque, PhD; Burton B Yang, PhD; Helene Lemieux, PhD; Gavin Y. Oudit, MD, PhD; Robert A. Screaton, PhD; and Jason R.B. Dyck, PhD
submitted as a Research Letter to Circulation
The Jose Galante Chicurel Award in Cardiology
Kai Yi WuThe Henry Anton Deutsch Medical PGME Research Award
Catherine BoutetMalik Elharram