While on Work Term

During your Work Experience you will have ongoing contact with your Work Experience Coordinator. As a reminder you will be registered in a work experience course for every 4 months of work experience. This course will hold your full-time status as a student, appear on your transcript, and is a CR/NC course. The work experience courses (WKEXP 801, 802, 803, or 804) will not count towards the total 120 credits required for your degree program. Be sure to consult Program and Tuition Fees for more information about fees and tuition associated with that course(s).

You will be registered in an eClass course for the duration of your work experience. The course is meant to help direct your work experience and provide resources around the transition into a professional work environment.

Approximately 4-6 weeks into your work term, your Work Experience Coordinator will contact you to set up your site visit with yourself and your supervisor. The site visit is an opportunity to discuss what you have accomplished so far and what you will be focusing on for the duration of your work term. At the site visit you and your supervisor will discuss your mid-term self and employer evaluations. It is recommended that you meet with your supervisor to discuss these evaluations prior to your site visit.

At the end of your work term, your Work Experience Coordinator will provide you with copies of the final evaluations to be completed by yourself and your supervisor. It is recommended that you meet with your supervisor to discuss these evaluations prior to finishing your work term.

More information about what to expect while on work term can be found in the Student Handbook.

Contact Us

Arts Career Centre
1-17 Humanities Centre (HC)
Monday - Friday 9 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Closed (noon - 1 p.m.) Wednesday open at 10 a.m.