Interview Preparation

Booking an interview

  • Once you have applied for an AWE position. Ensure that you check your email and voicemail regularly for employer follow-up.
  • Respond to interview requests within 24 hours (one business day). Be sure that you record the address, a contact name and number. If you are uncertain of how to find an interview location, do not be afraid to ask for clarification and instructions.
  • Some employers will book interviews on campus in the U of A Career Centre office at 2-100 SUB and some prefer to hold interviews at their place of employment.

Preparing for an interview

  • Book a Mock Interview Advising Appointment with the Career Centre. We recommend that you don't wait to receive an interview offer to book this appointment. Booking early will give you an opportunity to do a 'dry run', and allow you to discuss strategies to control nervousness. You can have the session recorded to see your non-verbal communication.
  • Prepare, prepare! Give yourself lots of time to find the interview location and arrive 10-15 minutes early, bring a copy of your application package and reference list, and have questions prepared to ask the interviewer(s).
  • Do your research and learn what you can about the employer and position you are interviewing for.
  • Dress professionally!

Job offers

  • Employers will contact you directly regarding an offer of employment. If you receive an offer by phone and need a reasonable period of time to think about it (e.g. 48 hours), ask for it!
  • Carefully review your offer of employment and approach your Work Experience Coordinator with any questions or concerns.
  • You may have to make a decision about a job without knowing the outcome of the other applications or interview.
  • Make your decision, sign your offer, and get ready to work!
  • Remember the AWE Program office needs to be informed of all accepted job offers. This is to ensure that your WKEXP course registration and communication with the employer are handled promptly and appropriately.

Contact Us

Arts Career Centre
1-17 Humanities Centre (HC)
Monday - Friday 9 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Closed (noon - 1 p.m.) Wednesday open at 10 a.m.