Job Search

All AWE positions are posted on campusBRIDGE and are only open to currently registered AWE students. If you have issues accessing the AWE job board, please contact AWE staff right away.

  • It is your responsibility to view the job board often. New positions posted will not be emailed to you. We recommend checking the job board every 2-3 days for new opportunities. Alternatively you can set up a saved search, to have new opportunities emailed to you.
  • Application deadlines and instructions are determined by individual employers. Please read each posting carefully for more information. We recommend that you do not wait until the application deadline to apply. Employers often review applications on an ongoing basis, so consider submitting your applications in advance of the application deadline.
  • The application process is competitive and it is to your advantage to access career education early to prepare and refine your work search skills.

Conducting External Job Search:
To maximize your job search, we strongly encourage you to search for co-op positions using external job search engines. If you find a position you are interested in applying for, please send a copy of the posting to your Work Experience Coordinator so we can verify that it qualifies as a work term. Some things to consider:

  • The position must be full-time between 30 - 40 hours a week
  • All positions in Canada must be paid (at least minimum wage). There are some exceptions with International positions, but please contact your Work Experience Coordinator for more details
  • The employer must be willing to take on a Work Experience student and provide a supervisor/mentor to oversee your work for the duration of your work term.
  • The position should allow you to apply your in-class learning in a professional workplace setting and allow for meaningful skill development

Websites to conduct external job search:

Proposing your own Work Experience:
There is an opportunity to propose your own work experience through the program. Please consult the student handbook and speak to your Work Experience Coordinator to discuss your options.

Contact Us

Arts Career Centre
1-17 Humanities Centre (HC)
Monday - Friday 9 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Closed (noon - 1 p.m.) Wednesday open at 10 a.m.