Registration: All Other Students

Due to the popularity of our courses, we have developed registration procedures to allow us to accommodate as many students as possible in their course requests. Please note: only BFA, BDes and majors and minors connected to our Department will be on our contact list, so if you declare your major or minor later in the year, please contact the Undergraduate Advisor at to be added to the contact list.

Registration procedures for ART, DES, and HADVC courses may vary depending on your degree program.

Spring and Summer Classes

ART, DES and HADVC Spring and Summer classes are open to online registration for all continuing degree students. Registration for Spring and Summer classes is available in February, usually by 7:00 am on a certain day the week prior to Reading Week. Since these courses are open to online registration we don't keep waiting lists; if the class you want is full, please put the class you want on your watchlist.

However, if you have transfer credit for the prerequisite classes, the registration system will not recognize this, and you will need help with registration. If this is your situation please contact the Undergraduate Advisor sometime in January.


Fall and Winter ART 134 and DES 135 Registration

ART 134 and DES 135 are open to online registration for Art & Design majors and minors, with staggered registration dates according to your year and program. Please see the notes in Bear Tracks for more information about registration dates. 

For Fall and Winter ART 134 and DES 135 classes, students in other programs can request registration by waiting until September 1st, and then emailing Registration is contingent upon available spaces. For Spring and Summer classes, students in other programs will be able to register themselves online with delayed access (see Bear Tracks for dates).

Fall and Winter Classes

Course Request Procedures for HADVC Honors Students

Please consult with your HADVC Honors Advisor and then register yourself on your enrollment date. Email the Undergraduate Advisor if you have trouble with any of the classes you want.

Course Request Procedures for Art & Design and HADVC Major and Minors in All Degree Programs

Students majoring or minoring in Art & Design or HADVC will be emailed in early March explaining registration procedures for Fall and Winter term ART, DES, or 300-level and 400-level HADVC classes.

Beginning in 2024, it will be possible for majors and minors to register themselves for these classes online, with staggered registration dates beginning in July, depending on degree program and year of program. These dates are designed to give earlier access to students who need more courses, or (for BA Art & Design majors) how close they are to finishing their degree.

In order to spread these classes among as many students as possible, Bear Tracks will only allow 6 credits of ART/DES studios per term for majors, and 3 credits per term for minors. On September 3rd, that restriction will be lifted so that all majors and minors can register themselves in any remaining spaces.

Please work to begin your courses as soon as possible in your degree. The more flexible you are in terms of what courses you are willing to take, and your schedule, the more likely it is that you will be able to fulfill your major or minor requirements.

Bear Tracks can not check your prerequisite grades so they will be checked by the Department from time to time. If you do not have the necessary prerequisite grades, please do not register yourself for that class, as you will be removed without notification. Students who do not meet the prerequisite grades are welcome to contact after September 3rd to request registration in remaining spaces.

Procedures for Open Studies/Special Students

Due to the high demand for our courses, the Department of Art & Design has to be sure that all students who need to take our ART, DES and HADVC courses for their degree programs are accommodated before we give spots to Open Studies students. Please contact the Undergraduate Advisor to discuss possible registration. (Note that this is generally unlikely to be possible for ART 134 and DES 135.)