Course Registration and Listings

Please read the registration procedures that pertain to your degree:


Q: When can I see which classes will be offered in upcoming terms?
A: Updated timetables and course offerings usually appear in Bear Tracks in early March for the coming Fall and Winter terms, and in mid-December for upcoming Spring and Summer terms.

Q: When can I start registering for Spring and Summer classes?
A: Your enrolment dates will appear in your Bear Tracks account in advance of registration beginning. Registration for Spring and Summer term classes generally opens in February, at 7am on a particular day before Reading Week.

Q: When can I start registering for Fall and Winter classes?
A: Your enrolment dates will appear in your Bear Tracks account in advance of registration beginning. Registration for Fall and Winter term classes begins in late March, and is staggered based on your Year of Program. So students in their last year get to go first.

Q: Why can't I register myself in ART, DES, and upper level HADVC classes?
A: Please read the Registration process for BFA and BDES or Registration process for other degrees carefully.