2021 News

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Introducing Lisa Neame: Soil health ambassador

Soil health is a complex and multidisciplinary subject which is garnering a lot of attention right now. Since August, Soil Health Coordinator Lisa Neame has been laying the groundwork for a successful soil health program at Alberta Land Institute. Get to know Alberta Land Institute’s newest member.

Live presentation: ALI research showcase - Tools, plans and changing attitudes

Alberta Land Institute showcases research. Wednesday, November 17, 2021 1 - 4 PM MST This was a FREE presentation: 30 min presentations - followed by Q&A/discussion

The Dish: Hana Ambury, soil health champion

When you are eating lunch, it might comfort you to know Hana Ambury cares about what you’re eating. Here’s why you might put down your fork and pay attention to her work. You might not care about soil and soil health. Rest assured, Hana Ambury, Project Assistant, Alberta Land Institute (ALI) does.