Call for Proposals

The Alberta Land Institute (ALI) supports research through calls for proposals for research grants which are issued annually. The call for proposals focuses on particular research questions or themes.

The deadline for receipt of applications is JANUARY 30, 2025. Applications can be forwarded to The entire application, including the application form, personal data forms and any supplementary material, should be provided as a single PDF file. We expect that successful applicants will be notified by FEBRUARY 28, 2025.

Applicants (i.e., Principal Investigators) must be eligible to apply for Tri-Agency funding (i.e. CIHR, NSERC, SSHRC) through their academic institution.

Grant Streams

One-Year Research Grant

One-year projects funded to a maximum of $50,000.

Project funding is dependent on the potential policy implications and the proposed approach.

Micro Research Grant

Up to a 6-month project – funded to a maximum of $10,000.

Knowledge synthesis or analysis of existing or proposed legislation or policy.

Research Areas

  1. Wildfire Management
  2. Implications for Renewable Energy Development for Alberta
  3. Land Use Planning and the Alberta Nature Strategy
  4. Housing and Residential Development

Key Documentation

Call for Proposals for Research Grants

Grant Application – Summary Information

Guidelines for Research Grant Applications

Reporting Guidelines

The Alberta Land Institute (ALI) supports research through calls for proposals for research grants which are issued annually. The call for proposals focuses on particular research questions or themes.

The Institute welcomes proposals in the following Research Categories:

Discovery Research: Research undertaken to identify and examine emerging and future issues critical to the Institute’s mandate and areas of study. Successful proposals in this category will articulate broad research questions, inform long-range policy development using different disciplines and theoretical perspectives, and offer or inspire new information or innovative solutions to land use and land use management problems. Multi-year proposals may be considered in this category.

Policy Research: Projects focusing on a specific issue of immediate and critical concern to ALI’s stakeholders, providing concrete analysis of policy alternatives, land use instruments, etc., and supported by comprehensive academic research. The primary purpose of projects in this category is to fill knowledge gaps and support decision-making in Alberta.

Educational Projects: Projects aimed at translating and transmitting existing or new ALI or other relevant knowledge beyond the academic community in order to shed light on issues specifically relevant to ALI’s partners and stakeholders and to support public discussion and policymaking in Alberta.


The next Call for Proposals will be announced in fall 2024. If you would like to be alerted for the request to submit, please send us a request.