Current Projects

Mental Health in the Agricultural Community
The ACSRC is a research partner with Rebecca Purc-Stephenson, PhD., the founder and lead researcher of AgWellAB. AgWellAB is a research and outreach program supporting mental health in the agricultural community in Alberta.
AgWellAB Website
Food Sustainability Lecture & Film Series
Funded by the Sustainable Food Endowment and in partnership with the Food Artisans of Camrose County, this project explores issues directly related to food sustainability, especially as they relate to broader issues relevant to rural sustainability.
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Declining Volunteerism and its Impact on Rural Municipalities
In conjunction with the Rural Municipalities of Alberta (RMA), the ACSRC completed a study that explores the state of volunteerism in rural Alberta, with a particular emphasis on the impacts current trends are having on rural municipalities.
Exploring Rural Development Opportunities in Dark Sky Preserves
The ACSRC, in collaboration with Glen Hvenegaard PhD (U of A, Augustana) is researching the economic development potential associated with Dark Sky tourism for rural Alberta Communities. This work has been featured in Nature Alberta and the Jasper FitzHUGH.
Case Study
Political Ethnography and Political Opinion in Rural Alberta
In partnership with Dr. Dionne Pohler (University of Saskatchewan) and funded by SSHRC, the ACSRC is utilizing "political ethnography" to better understand political opinion formation in rural Canada.
Pilot Case Study
Pathways to Energy Democracy in Canada
The ACSRC is collaborating with the Department of Resource Economics & Environmental Sociology (University of Alberta) on a new project exploring community-based renewable energy.
More Info
Understanding Accented Speech in Rural and Urban Contexts
The ACSRC brings a “rural” voice to this ongoing multi-disciplinary project led by Dr. Juhani Jarvikivi (Professor, Faculty of Arts - Linguistics Dept) that explores the question: How can a better understanding of factors driving these attitudes contribute to a fairer society?
More Info
Support the CentreWhen you give to the ACSRC, you are investing in our future rural leaders, in research that deepens our understanding of the unique opportunities and challenges facing rural communities, in ideas that become life-changing solutions, and in collaborations that strengthen our rural experience. |