Articles, Chapters and Books

The ACSRC is proud to share publications from our directors, research associates and fellows as they relate to the common goal of sustainable rural communities. 


Purc-Stephenson, Rebecca, ""The Hill in Front of You": A Qualitative Study of the Mental Health Impact of Livestock Diseases and Depopulation on Farmers," Journal of Agromedicine, 2025

Purc-Stephenson, Rebecca & Hartman, Casey & Marriott, Ella & Phillips, Stefanie & Scotton, Cale. "Understanding Farmers’ Readiness to Develop a Succession Plan: Barriers, Motivators, and Preliminary Recommendations." Sustainability. 2025

Purc-Stephenson, Rebecca, S. Dedrick, Deanna Hood, "A Multidimensional tool to measure farm stressors: development and initial validation of the farmer stress assessment tool (FSAT)," BMC Psychology, 2024.

Purc-Stephenson, Rebecca, Nicole Roy, Adachukwu Chimaobi and Deanna Hood. "An Evidence-Based Guide for Delivering Mental Healthcare Services in Farming Communities: A Qualitative Study of Providers’ Perspectives." International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2024.

Purc-Stephenson, Rebecca, S. Dedrick and Deanna Hood. "Stress, Mental Health, and Resilience among Western Prairie Farmers in Canada: A Cross-Sectional Comparison Study." (2024).

Hvenegaard, Glen and Clark Banack, “Visitor Outcomes from Dark Sky Tourism: A Case Study of the Jasper Dark Sky Festival,” Journal of Ecotourism, 2024.

Purc-Stephenson, Rebecca, Jenessa Doctor and Jude Elliot Keehn. "Understanding the Factors Contributing to Farmer Suicide: A Meta-synthesis of Qualitative Research." Rural and Remote Health. (2023).

Banack, Clark, Whitfield, Kyle, Y., and Serena Isley, “Men’s Sheds and Mental Health in Rural Communities: Exploring the Benefits of a Community-Level Program,” Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health, 2023.

Ostrem, Julie and Glen Hvenegaard, "Interagency Collaboration for Environmental Education: Insights from the Beaver Hills Biosphere, Canada." Journal of Environmental Planning and Management. 2023.

Banack, Clark. “The Covid-19 Pandemic and Social Cohesion in Rural Canadian Communities: Letter-to-the-Editor Forums as a Window into Community Discord,” Journal of Rural Development, 16(4), 1-26, 2021.

Banack, Clark. “Rural Identity in an Urban Canada: Minority Rights for Agrarian Communities?” American Review of Canadian Studies, 51 (4), 2021.

Banack, Clark, “Ethnography and Political Opinion: Identity, Alienation, and Anti-Establishmentarianism in Rural Alberta,” Canadian Journal of Political Science, 54 (1), 1-22, 2021.

Banack, Clark, “Understanding the Influence of Faith-based Organizations on Education Policy in Alberta,” Canadian Journal of Political Science, 48 (4), 933-959, 2015.

Banack, Clark, “Evangelical Christianity and Political Thought in Alberta,” Journal of Canadian Studies, 48 (2), 70-99, 2014.

"Citizen Engagement in Sustainability Planning: Patterns and Barriers from Hinton and Wood Buffulo, Alberta, Canada" in the Journal of Rural and Community Development (2019).

"Rural Governmentality in Alberta: A Case Study of Neoliberalism in Rural Canada" in Revue Governance (2019).

"Implementation Dynamics for Sustainability Planning in Rural Canada" in the Journal of Rural and Community Development (2019)

"Addressing the Environmental, Community, and Health Impacts of Resource Development: Challenged across Scales, Sectors, and Sites" in Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI) (March 20, 2019).

"Prioritizing Research Questions for Protected Areas Agencies: A Case Study of Provincial Parks in Alberta, Canada" in The Journal of Park and Recreation Administration (2019).

"Opportunities for better use of collective action theory in research and governance for invasive species management" in Conservation Biology (December 11, 2018).

"Continuing care in rural Alberta: A scoping review" in The Canadian Geographer (2018).

"Continuing care in Northern Alberta: Capacity and Collaboration" in the Journal of Rural and Community Development (2018).

"Rural sustainability plans in Canada: An Analysis of structure, content and influence" in Journal of Rural Studies (November 2017).

"Employer Perspectives in Youth Employability in Rural Areas" with Lars Hallstrom and Carly Heck in Observatories Juenes et Society. Quebec. (Hiver 2017).

"Policy Design in Rural Manitoba: Alternatives and Opportunities in the Midst of Change" in the Manitoba Law Journal (Policy Edition): Underneath the Golden Boy. (2016).

"Developing Navigation Competencies to Care for Older Rural Adults with Advanced Illness" in the Canadian Journal on Aging (April 19, 2016).

"Which Way from Here? Navigation for the Care of Older Rural Adults with Terminal Illness" Canadian Journal of Aging (January 2015).

"Rural Alberta's Priority Policy Research Questions" in Journal of Rural and Community Development (December 2014).

"Hope of Rural Women Caregivers of Persons with Advanced Cancer: Guilt, Self-Efficacy and Mental Health" in Rural and Remote Health 14:2561 (2014).

"Watershed Management and Public Health: An Exploration of the Intersection of Two Fields as Reported in the Literature from 2000 to 2010" in Environmental Management (August 2014).



Banack, Clark and Jim Farney, Faith, Rights, and Choice: The Politics of Religious Schools in Canada (2023).

Banack, Clark and Dionne Pohler, eds. Building Inclusive Communities in Rural Canada, University of Alberta Press (2023).

Banack, Clark. God’s Province: Evangelical Christianity, Political Thought, and Conservatism in Alberta, God’s Province: Evangelical Christianity, Political Thought, and Conservatism in Alberta (2016).

Boom and Bust: A Guide to managing ups and downs in communities (2016).

Taking the Next Steps: Sustainability Planning and Collaboration in Rural Canada (2016).

Ecosystems, Society and Health: Pathways through Diversity, Convergence, and Integration (2015).


Book Chapters

Hvenegaard, Glen, "Ecotourism, wildlife festivals, and sustainability: Are objectives, strategies, and outcomes aligned?" in A. Mandic and S. K. Walia ed. The Routledge Handbook of Nature Nased Tourism Development. (London: Routledge. 2023)

Banack, Clark, “Understanding Rural Attitudes Toward Cultural and Religious Minorities via Political Ethnography: The Case of Rural Alberta,” in C. Banack and D. Pohler ed. Building Inclusive Communities in Rural Canada, (Edmonton: University of Alberta Press. 2023).

Banack, Clark and Dionne Pohler, “Introduction: Thinking about Inclusivity in Rural Canada,” in C. Banack and D. Pohler ed. Building Inclusive Communities in Rural Canada, (Edmonton: University of Alberta Press. 2023).

Banack, Clark and Dionne Pohler, “Conclusion: Toward Inclusive Rural Communities,” in C. Banack and D. Pohler ed. Building Inclusive Communities in Rural Canada, (Edmonton: University of Alberta Press. 2023).

King, Greg and Glen Hvenegaard, "Greenspace in small cities: Opportunities for sustainable education." in D. Mutnick, M. Cuonzo, C. Griffiths, T. Leslie, J.M. Shuttleworth ed. The City is an Ecosystem, Sustainable Education, Policy, and Practice. (England, Routledge, 2022)

Banack, Clark, “The Premiership of Alison Redford,” in Sylvia Bashevkin ed. Doing Politics Differently? Women Premiers in Canada's Provinces and Territories, (Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 2019), 225-249.

Banack, Clark, “Government for the People, Not by the People.’ Populism and Parliamentary Governance under Stephen Harper,” in T. Healy and S. Trew ed., The Harper Record 2008-2015, (Ottawa: Canadian Centre For Policy Alternatives, 2015)

Banack, Clark, “Conservative Christianity, Anti-Statism and Alberta’s Public Sphere: The Curious Case of Bill 44,” in S. Lefebvre and L. Beaman ed., Religion in the Public Sphere: Canadian Case Studies, (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2014), 257-274.

Banack, Clark, “American Protestantism and the Roots of ‘Populist Conservatism’ in Alberta,” in J. Farney and D. Rayside ed., Conservatism in Canada, (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2013).

"Grieving Nature - Grieving in Nature: The place of parks and natural places in palliative and grief care" in Quilley, S., Zywert, K. (Eds). Health in the Anthropocene: Living well on a finite planet. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. (2019 - forthcoming). 

"Public Health at the Watershed Scale" in Water Policy. Springer. (2016).

"Public Policy and the Welfare State" In D. Raphael (Ed.) The Social Determinants of Health: Canadian Perspectives (3rd ed.) Canadian Scholars Press Inc. (2016).

"Oppression and the political economy of health inequities" in McGibbon, E. (Ed.). Oppression: A social determinant of health. Halifax: Fernwood Publishing. (2012).


Other Publications

Declining Rates of Volunteerism in Alberta and the Increasing Threat to Rural Municipalities (2024)

Understanding and Responding to the Challenges Faced by FCSS Programs in Rural Alberta (2023)

The Mental Health Benefits of Men's Sheds in Rural Alberta (2023)

The State of Rural Canada (2015) Alberta Chapter.