Dr. Sumit (Me2) Majumdar

Me2 Majumdar Research and Quality Improvement Collaborative Day


Abstract Submissions

Trainees: seize this chance to refine your presentation abilities and present your research. Submit an abstract for either an oral presentation, a poster presentation, or both to showcase your work.

Date: Thursday, May 16

Location: Katz 1080 Atrium


Trainees must be engaged in research within the Department of Medicine or have a supervisor/co-supervisor affiliated with the Department of Medicine as one of the following:

  • a graduate student enrolled in a graduate program of study;
  • a postdoctoral fellow (post-PhD);
  • a trainee with a post-health professional degree (e.g., core internal medicine resident, senior subspecialty resident, clinical and/or research fellow)

*Please note: medical students are not eligible and are encouraged to participate in the FoMD research day solely for their category. Research assistants, research associates and research coordinators are also not eligible as they are not considered trainees.

Abstract Guidelines

Please read carefully as all submissions are considered FINAL.

All trainees are required to submit an online abstract to be considered for oral and poster presentations. Abstracts should represent original research that:

  • has recently been completed by residents, graduate students, and postdoctoral fellows; and
  • has not been previously published as a manuscript, online journal or book.

Preparing Your Abstracts

Submitters are responsible for final editing and formatting of submissions. All submissions as of the deadline will be considered final; there will be no opportunity for corrections and will be published as-is.

The abstract must be submitted in English and formatted as follows:

  1. Abstract structure must contain in the following order:

  2. Abstract text must be 300 words maximum and keep abbreviations to a minimum (define when first used). Any graph/chart/table will be uploaded separately and will appear at the END of your abstract, so please create Appendices accordingly.

  3. Authorship. All authors must meet the authorship guidelines outlined in: Uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals (N Engl J Med 1997; 336(4): 309-15).

  4. Figures. A maximum of ONE figure (e.g., chart or graph) can be included with your abstract.
    • Upload your figure to the submission page as a PDF file.
    • Please note that your figure will appear at the END of your abstract and should be labeled accordingly.

  5. Symbols. Most e-documents allow the use of multiple fonts for displaying special characters and symbols. However, the online abstract submission system accepts only normal text characters (e.g., the standard Times New Roman character set).
    • If you are copying and pasting into the submission box, you should convert the ENTIRE abstract into Times New Roman font. 
    • After your abstract is pasted into the submission box, select the “Preview Abstract” button to ensure that your symbols will appear as they should because your abstract is considered FINAL after your press Submit.

      In Microsoft Word, you can access the special characters through the following process:
      • Select “Insert” from the Word menu bar
      • Select “Symbols...” from the “Insert” pull-down menu
      • Under the “Symbols” tab, change the “Font” pull-down menu to “normal text”
      • Double click on the symbol you wish to insert... this will paste in into your document
Abstract Submission and Deadline

Submission Deadline

The abstract submission deadline is Sunday, April 14, 2024 at 23:59 MT.

Submissions entered BEFORE the deadline will be editable for corrections by the submitter.

All abstracts in the system as of the CLOSING TIME will be considered final submissions. Late abstracts will not be accepted — NO EXCEPTIONS!

Submitting Online

When submitting online, trainees will be required to select:

  1. the category associated with their research area:
    • scientific 
    • quality improvement
  2. the presentation type:
    • oral
    • poster

Submit Abstract

If you have any questions regarding electronic submission, please email the DoM Office of Research.

Abstract Review Process

Abstract submissions will be judged by our DoM research intensive members.

All abstracts will be reviewed by three adjudicators using a standardized form for evaluation of the following criteria:

  • Clarity and justification of the research question/hypothesis
  • Appropriateness of the methods used to answer the hypothesis
  • Validity and relevance of the results to the hypothesis
  • Clarity of the discussion and conclusion
  • Innovation impact

Strict conflict of interest declarations will be provided to each reviewer. 

The five highest scoring abstracts in each category (i.e., scientific or quality improvement) will be invited to present an oral presentation. The remainder will be invited to post a poster.

Please note: All abstract submissions will be published in an online abstract booklet.

Oral Presentations

Oral presentations will take place from 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. in the KATZ 1080 Atrium.

Each oral presenter will be given 10 minutes to present their research followed by five minutes of Q&A from the audience. Scientific oral presentations will be judged by our external guest keynote speaker for 1st place, valued at $750.

Poster Presentations

Poster Sizes

The poster boards are 4' high and 6' wide. Standard sized posters on the U of A poster templates will fit on these boards. See poster templates.

Poster Viewing

The DoM Office of Research will send a list of poster board numbers to all poster presenters.  Please hang your poster by 9 a.m. on May 16, 2024 on the corresponding poster board number provided to you.

Public viewing and lunch will be between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. in the KATZ 1080 Atrium. You are required to be by your poster and interact with faculty members who may have questions about your research.

During this time, the winner will be announced based on the score of the abstract. The 1st place scientific poster presentation is valued at $500. Trainees must be present to receive the prize.


Oral Presentation

  • 1st Prize (Scientific): $750
  • 1st Prize (Quality Improvement): $750

Poster Abstract

  • 1st Prize (Scientific): $500
  • 1st Prize (Quality Improvement): $500

The prizes are generously funded by the Alberta Health Services Medical Strategic Clinical Network, demonstrating their commitment to promoting excellence in scientific research and quality improvement healthcare initiatives.

Paul Man Award

The Paul Man Award is in honour of Dr. Paul Man, Division Director of Pulmonary Medicine from 1986 to 2001, for his exceptional contribution to translational research. Upon submission of an abstract for Research Day, the trainee’s abstract will be automatically considered for the Paul Man Award.

Paul Man Award


Our 2024 comprehensive 116-page booklet includes all the poster abstracts.

2024 Me2 Majumdar Research & QI Booklet

Download booklet