Medicine Grand Rounds Library

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The Medicine Grand Rounds (MGR) is a forum for the DoM to promote excellence and quality in medicine by providing clinicians with state-of-the-art information and reasoning in medical care, as well as providing updates on scientific advances that affect the practice of medicine.

We profoundly thank our presenters for sharing their time and expertise to bring you topics that enrich the program helping physicians (both faculty and in the community), students, residents, fellows, members of multidisciplinary teams, and other healthcare professionals, keep up-to-date in continuous professional development, knowledge translation, and important evolving areas that may be outside their core practice.

See our Events page for upcoming MGRs

One physician is looking at medical records. Another physician is speaking with a patient.

Evaluation and Attendance Reporting

This self-managed evaluation and attendance system is used by several Divisional rounds and Medicine Grand Rounds. It is for self-approved group learning activities as defined by the Maintenance of Certification program of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada (Section 1). Evaluations should be completed online following each presentation. Attendance can be logged up to 6 weeks following a presentation. After the 6-week time limit, you will be unable to submit, and attendance will not be recorded on your self-managed attendance report.

Not sure how to access your report? Watch this instruction video.

Drawing of medicine data and ideas

Topics and Speaker Ideas

MGR is also a setting for discussing topics that strengthen the relationship of medicine to the broader community. Topics may include improving competency in medical knowledge, patient care, professionalism, practice-based learning and communication skills.

If you would like to suggest a speaker/topic for MGR, please email

Medical personnel in a lecture theatre as well as online

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Don't miss out on this enriching opportunity!

Sign up today and be part of a journey that elevates your medical knowledge and fuels your passion.

Latest MGR Video Recordings 

Here are the latest six weeks of Medicine Grand Rounds:

2024/25 Medicine Grand Rounds

Here are this year's MGRs to date, listed in order by subjects and then by first presenter.

Dept Updates  |  ACB Wellness  |  General  |  Medical Education  |  New Professor Series  |  Research Grand Rounds

Divisions: Cardiology  |  Dermatology  |  Endocrinology and Metabolism  |  Gastroenterology  |  General Internal Medicine  |  Geriatric Medicine  |  Hematology  |  Infectious Diseases  |  Nephrology  |  Neurology  |  Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation  |  Preventive Medicine  |  Pulmonary Medicine  |  Rheumatology


Department Updates


ACB Wellness 

  • Dr. Sofia Ahmed, Professor, Division of Nephrology, Department of Medicine, U of A 
    Sex and Gender in Health Care and Research: Proper Care or Propaganda
  • Dr. David JT Campbell, Associate Professor & Consultant Endocrinologist
    Departments of Medicine, Community Health Sciences, and Cardiac Sciences, Cumming School of Medicine, University of Calgary
    "LOW", a short narrative film about the challenges of diabetes and homelessness. (Recording not available; please contact Dr. Campbell if you would like to see the film at one of its screenings.)
  • Dr. Jessica Kirkwood, Assistant Professor, University of Alberta, Family Physician, Radius Community Health and Healing​; and Dr. Tally Mogus, Addiction Recovery and Community Health (ARCH)
    Management of In-patients with Opioid Use Disorder (presentation slides with links)



Medical Education


New Professor Series


Research Grand Rounds

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Endocrinology and Metabolism


General Internal Medicine

Geriatric Medicine



Infectious Diseases



Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation


Preventive Medicine

Pulmonary Medicine


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Previous Medicine Grand Rounds


Listed in order by the following subjects and then by first presenter.

Dept Updates  |  EDI Wellness  |  General  |  Medical Education  |  New Professor Series  |  Research Grand Rounds  

Divisions: Cardiology  |  Dermatology  |  Endocrinology and Metabolism  |  Gastroenterology  |  General Internal Medicine  |  Geriatric Medicine  |  Hematology  |  Infectious Diseases  |  Nephrology  |  Neurology  |  Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation  |  Preventive Medicine  |  Pulmonary Medicine  |  Rheumatology


Department Updates


EDI Wellness




Medical Education


New Professor Series


Research Grand Rounds

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  • Dr. Heather Ross, Professor of Medicine, Head of Division of Cardiology and the Peter Munk Cardiac Centre, Site Lead for Ted Rogers Centre for Heart Research
    Digital health for heart failure 



General Internal Medicine

Geriatric Medicine



Infectious Diseases


Preventive Medicine

  • Dr. Sebastian Straube, Professor, Division of Preventive Medicine
    Cannabidiol: ineffective analgesic and potentially harmful (recording not available)

Pulmonary Medicine

  • Dr. Giovanni Ferrara, Professor and Director, Division of Pulmonary Medicine
    Big data enriched clinical trials and the Digital Health Unit (recording not available)
  • Dr. Giovanni Ferrara, Professor and Director, Division of Pulmonary Medicine
    Climate change and respiratory disease
  • Dr. Angela Lau, Assistant Professor, Division of Pulmonary Medicine, DoM and Dr. Courtney Heffernan, Senior Research Associate and Manager, Tuberculosis Program Evaluation
    Studies in Subclinical Pulmonary Tuberculosis




Listed in order of the first presenter:

Drs. Lindsay Bridgland, Jennifer Ringrose, Dominic Mudiayi and Nabil Mitha:
EDI matters: Raising awareness of bias within the CaRMS interviewing process for GIM

Dr. Kim Connelly, Division of Cardiology, University of Toronto:
SGLT2 inhibitors – miracle drugs, but how do they work?

Dr. Vijay Daniels:
Faculty Annual Reporting System - A walkthrough and discussion

Dr. Ron Damant:
The post COVID-19 condition stigma questionnaire: Measuring the "mark" of long COVID

Drs. Gabriel Fabreau and Molly Whalen-Browne:
Refugee health and health care in Canada: An Alberta perspective

Dr. Monty Ghosh:
Harm reduction approaches in acute care settings

Dr. Dawna Gilchrist
A history of pandemics (recording not available)

Dr. Troy Harkness: 
Translating aging and cancer from yeast to humans

Drs. Rob Hayward and Anna Purdy:
Becoming a learning healthcare organization using internal evidence for improvement
(must have a AHS account to view)

Dr. Marc Humbert, Dean, Université Paris-Saclay Faculty of Medicine:
Targeting the transforming growth factor beta super-family in pulmonary arterial hypertension

Dr. Miles Marchand:
Indigenous heart health: Perspectives of a First Nations cardiology fellow

Drs. Evangelos Michelakis, Gopi Sutendra, Nadia Jahroudi & Steven Katz:
Guidelines and regulations for supervision of graduate students, postdoctoral fellows and residents: an informative discussion (recording not available)

Dr. Janis Mayasaki:
Equity, diversity and inclusion in DoM: A path forward

Dr. Subhabrata Moitra: 
Obesity and asthma: The bi-directional relationship between the two epidemics

Heidi Olstad, MSc, RD and Michelle Letourneau, BSc, RD:
Household food insecurity: Guidelines for supporting clients 

Dr. Gavin Oudit: 
SARS-CoV-2, ACE2 and COVID-19: a time for science, reason and humanity

Dr. Reena Pattani:
Learner mistreatment in medicine (recording not available)

Dr. Robert Pauly:
Psychological safety in the clinical & academic workplace. Is it too much to expect?

Dr. Kyra Pyke:
Endothelial function and vascular health: Mechanisms and assessment

Drs. Keysun Ranjbar and Naheed Rajabali:
Heart failure management strategies: Tailoring care based on disease presentation and the extent of fitness-frailty

Dr. Lynora M. Saxinger:
A nontraditional academic path, a provocation, and an invitation: Could academics help fix the messes of today's world?

Dr. Nikhil Shah:
Medical uncertainty and crowdsourcing - #AskRenal - A nephrology social media experiment

Dr. Jonathan Sherbino:
A.M. (Buzz) Edwards Lectureship in Clinical Education -  Hacking education: Myths vs. evidence in teaching and learning

Drs. Stephanie Smith, Lynora Saxinger and Robyn Harrison:
Modern times: Your Fall ‘22 update on COVID-19

Drs. Stephanie Smith, Lynora Saxinger and Robyn Harrison:
Respiratory viruses - what does the future hold? Influenza, COVID-19 and RSV

Gopinath Sutendra, PhD:
Can tissue-specific differences in redox status provide therapeutic selectivity?

Dr. Jason Weatherald:
Awake prone positioning for COVID-19: a journey from pandemic Twitter idea to RCTs and global practice guidelines

Dr. Clarence Wong
Prevention and management of gastrointestinal cancers: Innovation and program development

Dr. Verna Yiu
The COVID war: Road to recovery, rebuilding and reimagining our healthcare system


Listed in order of the first presenter:

Dr. Robyn Harrison and Dr. Stephanie Smith:
Omicron update: Vaccinations, treatment considerations, and infection control — Part I (must have a CCID to view)

Dr. Narmin Kassam:
Chair's State of the Department address

Dr. Finlay McAlister and Dr. Lynora Saxinger:
COVID-19 update #2: The numbers

Ross Mitchell, PhD:
Applications of AI for precision health

Drs. Fraulein Morales, Saifal Anwar, Caitlyn Collins and Stephanie Smith:
Navigating the COVID Ward 2.0 (no recording)

Dr. Robert Pauly:
The Electronic Health Record: The thing we love to hate and what it means for clinician wellbeing

Drs. Stephanie Smith, Lynora Saxinger and Robyn Harrison:
Omicron update: Vaccinations, treatment considerations, and infection control — Part II - Omicron and IPC: What has changed? (must have a CCID to view)

Dr. Jan Willem Cohen Tervaert:
Secrets and lies in rheumatology: What doctors can learn from painters
(Please contact Dr. Jan Willen Cohern Tervaert to view.)


Listed in order of the first presenter:

Dr. Nigel Ashworth:
Complaints, prescribing and evidence-based regulation at the CPSA 
(Please contact Dr. Nigel Ashworth to view.)

Drs. Jonathan Choy, Suddha Koppula, Anna Oswald, and Lyn Sonnenberg:
Teaching clinical learners in the virtual environment

Dr. Vijay Daniels:
New Professor Series - A clinician-educator’s journey from teaching, to
innovating, to administrating

Dr. Robert Hayward:
Connecting Care with Inquiry (recording not available)

Dr. Adam Hill:
Long walk out of the woods: A physician’s story of addiction, depression,
hope, and recovery
In collaboration with UAH/STO Medical Staff Society; sponsored by AMA Physician and Family Support Program (recording not available)

Dr. Deena Hinshaw:
COVID-19: Where have we come from and where are we going? (must have a CCID to view)

Drs. Shannon Ip, Caitlyn Collins, Wendy Sligl and Neeja Bakshi:
Managing an in-patient COVID ward

Dr. Narmin Kassam:
State of the Department Address

Dr. Rshmi Khurana:
New Professor Series: The birth and growth of obstetric medicine 

Dr. Andrew Mason:
Bench to Bedside: Modelling primary biliary cholangitis as a retroviral

Dr. Nicholas Mitchell:
Alberta's Mental Health Act: Changes and implications for the medical unit

Dr. Aldo Montano-Loza:
New Professor Series: A journey from autoimmune liver diseases to
body composition in cirrhosis

Dr. Nicola Murgia:
Occupational burden of respiratory diseases 

Dr. Patrick Pilarski:
Artificial intelligence in medicine: Definitions, implications, and future impact

Dr. Jaggi Rao:
Applications of AI for precision health

Drs. Lynora Saxinger, Stephanie Smith and Robyn Harrison:
COVID-19 here we go again... (must have a CCID to view)

Dr. Ilan Schwartz:
Why we need randomized control trials in COVID-19 (must have a CCID to view)

Dr. Fergus Shanahan:
The Wensel Sherbaniuk Founders Lecture - The language of illness

Dr. Lorne Tyrrell:
Securing the COVID-19 vaccine for Canada

Dr. Debrah Wirtzfeld:
Becoming a better leader: Lessons learned from COVID-19


Listed in order of the first presenter:

Dr. Timothy Chan:
Medical Jeopardy, pandemic edition (recording not available)

Dr. Andrea Cossarizza:
COVID-19: Immune changes during COVID-19 pneumonia - data from Italy (must have a CCID to view)

Dr. Alexander Doroshenko:
COVID-19: The role of mathematical modeling and pragmatic approaches
in public health practice and during pandemic

Dr. Mattias Gotte:
Remdesivir: from Ebola to emergency use authorization for the treatment of COVID-19

Scott Kaatz, Sean Drake, Mayur Ramesh, and Eric Scher:
The Henry Ford Hospital experience with COVID-19 surge: Patient experience and health system response (must have a CCID to view)

Dr. Richard Lewanczuk:
The challenges of managing chronic disease in the era of COVID

Dr. Jennifer McCombe:
Possible and probable neurological sequelae of COVID-19: expected or unexpected? (must have a CCID to view)

Drs. Anna Oswald, Jacques Romney and Jonathan Choy
COVID-19 — Virtual health care: The new reality (must have a CCID to view)

Dr. Darryl Rolfson:
Frailty inclusive care during COVID-19

Drs. Lynora Saxinger, Stephanie Smith, and Robyn Harrison:
COVID-19: Here we go....3,2,1, re-Launch...with care! Focus on evidence
for transmission and prevention of COVID-19

Dr. Sebastian Straube:
An evidence-based approach to COVID-19: Exposure control and beyond (recording not available)

Dr. Jan Willem Cohen Tervaert and Dr. Daniah Basodan:
The immune system in COVID-19 infection: the good, the bad, and the ugly (must have a CCID to view)

Dr. Vincent Thai and Dr. Ingrid DeKock:
Who lives and who can we care for both in the COVID-19 world

Dr. Cynthia Wu:
COVID-19 coagulopathy and thrombosis: Emerging evidence and growing awareness