Residency Programs

Core Internal Medicine in Canada is a three-year program which serves as a foundation for entering into a number of specialty training programs, including General Internal Medicine itself. 

The Department of Medicine offers Core Internal Medicine, along with 15 subspecialty training programs in medicine. 

Empowering Learners in Medicine

The Core program is designed to meet the educational needs of learners with diverse backgrounds and a wide range of career aspirations. Our primary mission is to inspire and support residents as they strive for excellence as medical experts, communicators, collaborators, managers, health advocates, scholars, and professionals.

  • Direct patient interactions. We understand that direct patient interactions with appropriate supervision is the most powerful setting for training and aim to harness this in our academic program and assessment practices.
  • Role modelling. We also want to foster safe learning environments, comprised of physicians and teams who model what we hope to teach.
  • Alignment with CanMEDS Roles. The overall goals of our program are structured around the CanMEDS roles and provide annual anchors of progression in medical expertise from reporter to interpreter to manager to educator.
  • Excellence in medical scholarship. We encourage research excellence during the second and third years of residency. We encourage all residents to develop their skills in teaching and provide opportunities for residents to nurture career paths in educational scholarship.

Competence by Design

All programs are active in Competence by Design (CBD) and Royal College certified.

The goal of CBD is to enhance patient care by improving specialist training and lifelong learning, ensuring physicians demonstrate the skills and behaviours required to continuously meet evolving patient needs. CBD is a multi-year initiative that began in 2017 in the Department of Medicine. 

Learn more about Competence by Design


Contact Information

Dr. Thirza Carpenter

Dr. Thirza Carpenter
Director, Postgraduate Medical Education Programs

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Jennifer Staniland
Team Lead, Office of Medical Education

Medical Education Office
13-103M Clinical Sciences Building (CSB)
11304-83 Avenue NW (enter via Mazankowski building)
Edmonton AB T6G 2G3
PH: 780-492-4829
FX: 780-248-1628