Assessment, Grading Process & Exams

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Grade Assessment


Classes are organized around highly participatory, learner-centered activities. Activities rely on regular student attendance and participation. Students learn by participating, so regular attendance is expected. Absence from sessions may result in grade reductions.

Grade Point Average (GPA) Calculation

GPA is calculated based on Continuing Education practices. Failing grades are not included in these calculations. Continuing Education uses a letter grading system with a four-point scale of numerical equivalents for calculating grade point averages. All final results are reported using a letter grade or grade point value

Only those courses applicable to your program and completed at Continuing Education will be used in your program GPA calculation.

Courses Extra to Program

Courses successfully completed while registered in a program at Continuing Education which are not used for program credit are known as courses Extra to Program. Such courses are not included in your program GPA calculation.

Course Repeat Process

Students may not repeat any university course passed or courses for which they have received transfer credit towards their program. When students repeat a course, the first passing grade is used when calculating the program GPA. When a student repeats a course, the repeated course is considered extra to program.


Official Grade Notification

Students can access and print their final grades only through Bear Tracks. Any other edition or statement of a final grade should be considered unofficial, including those released in eClass or other means. In the rare event that access is not available, a hard copy may be requested through the Program Office. Program Offices will not release grades over the telephone under any circumstances. If you would like to receive an email notifying you when your final grades are available, please sign on to Bear Tracks and visit the Grades section.

Incomplete Grades

The grade of "incomplete" (IN) is awarded when a student does not submit an assignment by the end of class. When a grade of IN is awarded, the student must submit the assignment within the agreed-upon time period with the programming office and/or course instructor. If the assignment and/or coursework has yet to be submitted by the prescribed deadline, a failing grade will be posted based on the course grading scheme.

Failing Grades

Students will receive a failing grade under the following conditions: 

  • if the student has failed to meet the course requirements at the required standards stipulated by the course instructor, e.g. the student’s aggregate grade on submitted assignments is lower than the minimum passing grade for the course; 
  • if the student has failed to withdraw from the course. Non-attendance does not constitute notice of withdrawal from a course. If the student chooses to withdraw from a course, the student must contact the Student Service Centre and submit a written withdrawal request. 

The assignment of grades is the responsibility of the course instructor. Any concerns regarding grades should first be discussed with the instructor. Students may contact their respective program office with grade appeal requests if the problem is not resolved. Continuing Education has developed procedures, so learners who encounter concerns and problems related to academic standing, learning assessment/grades, program requirements, or other matters may have them reviewed equitably and expeditiously.

The University will not act when there are insufficient grounds for an appeal or reappraisal. The following do not constitute grounds for an appeal or reappraisal:

  • disagreement with or disliking the instructor’s marking scheme,
  • disagreement with or coming close to the cut-off point for a higher grade, and
  • disagreement with the instructor’s judgment of the quality of submitted work.

Only the following may constitute grounds for an appeal or reappraisal:

  • errors in calculating mark or grade,
  • procedural errors,
  • failure to consider all relevant factors
  • bias or discrimination, and
  • lack of adherence to the content as stated in the course syllabus

To appeal your grade

Read the complete policies and procedures on grade appeals, then complete and submit the request form. Download full details and form

Student Ombuds

The Office of the Student Ombuds is a confidential service that strives to ensure that university processes related to students operate as fairly as possible. The Student Ombuds office offers information, advice, and support on academic, discipline, interpersonal, and financial issues. It is an office of University and Student Union staff.

The Office of the Student Ombuds participates in developing University regulations and reports to the University on areas where there may be systemic unfairness in regulations or practices on campus.


Conduct of Exams

Conduct which violates the rules of conduct for exams may also violate the Code of Student Behaviour. Amendments to the Code of Student Behaviour occur throughout the year. The official version of the Code of Student Behaviour, as amended from time to time, is housed on the University Governance website. The following information applies to all exams.

Permitted References and Aids
Only those items specifically authorized by the instructor may be brought into the exam. The use of unauthorized personal listening, communication, recording, photographic and/or computational devices is strictly prohibited.
Students may not be present in an exam or write an exam in a course section in which they are not registered.
During the exam, all communications should be addressed to the instructor/supervisor. Students should not, under any circumstances, speak to or communicate with other candidates or leave their answer papers exposed to view.
Brief Absence from an Exam
Students who need to visit the washroom during an exam must leave their papers in the custody of the instructor/supervisor and retrieve it upon return.
Cancellation of Paper During Exam
If a student becomes incapacitated because of illness or receives word of domestic affliction during the course of an exam, the student should report at once to the Instructor/Supervisor, hand in the unfinished paper, and request that it be cancelled.
  • For final or midterm exams, the student must apply to their program for a deferred exam within two working days following the cancelled final exam or as soon as the student is able, having regard to the circumstances underlying the cancellation. See below for details about deferred exams.
  • For other exams, instructors may use their discretion to request supporting documentation. The student must contact the instructor within two working days of the exam or as soon as the student is able, having regard to the circumstances underlying the cancellation and present supporting documentation to the instructor if requested.
  • Should a student write an exam, hand in the paper for marking, and later report extenuating circumstances to support a request for cancellation of the paper and for another exam, such request will not be accepted. Any student who requests a cancellation of their paper and subsequently applies for or obtains an excused absence by making false statements will be liable under the Code of Student Behaviour.
End of Exam
When the signal is given to end the exam, students must promptly cease writing. If a student does not stop at the signal, the instructor has the discretion either not to grade the exam paper or to lower the grade on the examination.

Deferred Exams

If you cannot write your midterm or final examination at the scheduled time, a deferred examination may be granted by the instructor, subject to the approval of the program office.

To arrange a deferred examination, you must first notify your instructor and then contact the program office. A fee of $100 is charged.

The University recognizes that occasionally life events occur that require a student to miss term work, term examinations, or final examinations. However, excused absences are not granted automatically and will be considered on a case-by-case basis. When a student is absent without an acceptable excuse, a final grade will be computed using a raw score of zero for the work missed.

Pre/Post Assignment

Some classes may have assignments (s) due before or after your in-class learning component. This information will be posted on the course page on the website. Please review your course syllabus for further information.


Unofficial Transcript

An Unofficial Transcript reflects your academic record at the point that you request it. It cannot be used as an Official Transcript as it does not bear the Registrar's signature, nor is it printed on security paper.

Students are responsible for ensuring the accuracy and completeness of their official record by verifying their Unofficial Transcript. Queries regarding errors or omissions in the official academic history (transcript) must be made as soon as possible.

Note: If you attended Continuing Education courses prior to January 1, 2011, your Unofficial Transcript may be incomplete due to a change in our student record database.

How to Access

In Bear Tracks as a downloadable PDF file:

  1. log into Bear Tracks
  2. expand the 'Academics' menu
  3. select 'Transcript'
  4. change the report type to “Continuing Education Unofficial”
    1. Current Students: Available through Bear Tracks.
    2. Former Students: Available through Bear Tracks if you started attending January 1, 2011, or after and have continually maintained your online access. Otherwise, you will need to request an official transcript via paper/PDF form or in person.
Official Transcript

There is no charge to obtain your Official Transcript. If you require transcripts by a given deadline, please remember to allow time for postal delivery and submit your request in advance.

Official Transcripts and other forms of certification are released only after any outstanding accounts with any department at the University of Alberta have been settled. For information on clearing your outstanding accounts, please refer to Clearing Holds on your Records or contact the Student Service Centre.

If you require your Official Transcripts in separate, sealed envelopes for a third party, please include this in your mailing instructions. The envelope may only be opened by the third party and will be rendered invalid if opened by the student.

How to Order

Bear Tracks

Log into Bear Tracks, expand the 'Academics' menu, select 'Transcript’, then change the report type to “Continuing Education Official”. Normally fulfilled within 3-5 business days. If you no longer have access to Bear Tracks, see other options below.

Via paper/PDF form

Complete the Transcript Request Form (PDF) and submit it via Form Submission Page.

In person

You can also request your transcripts in person at the Student Service Centre in the Administration Building on North Campus.