Course Delivery Formats

Instruction Modes

The instruction mode for a course indicates how a course will be taught.


All instruction takes place in person. Instruction may be supported by digital resources, but students are expected to attend in-person classes.


Class is taught using a mix of in-person and online delivery methods, and all students are required to participate in both. In-person content may include lectures, assignments, exams, or other learning opportunities.


Class is taught in a physical space with some students attending in person and some online. Students can move between online and in-person instruction as they see fit.



100% of course content is delivered online with scheduled days/times. Online synchronous learning happens in real-time. Instructors and students log into the course simultaneously on a set class schedule that is delivered 100% online.


100% of course content is delivered online, including instruction and all assessments. Students move through the course material and activities at the same pace as the rest of the class. Instructors and students are not required to log into a course simultaneously and there is no set class schedule.


100% of course content is delivered online. Students engage in both asynchronous learning, coupled with scheduled synchronous sessions throughout the course.

Self-Paced Asynchronous

A flexible online learning experience where you work through the course materials and activities at your own pace. There are no real-time virtual classroom sessions to attend.