
Summer School 

The annual Summer School is held every July and August. The specific scheduling of courses and important dates for applying will be announced closer to March 2025. Keep an eye on this page for updates!


Community Linguist Certificate

INT D 311: Planning for Language Sustainability

This course is an introduction to the field of community language planning. You will learn the key elements of creating a language revitalization strategy for your community, and how to plan for the long-term sustainability of your language from one generation to the next.

INT D 318: Technologies for Language Documentation

This course is an introduction to the field of language documentation.  You will learn the best practices in planning for and carrying out recordings of language speakers, and then how to work with those recordings to develop resources that can support language teachers and learners.

LING 111: Linguistics for Language Revitalization

This course is an introduction to the field of linguistics. You will learn about the way that linguists study languages, and how those techniques can be used to support teachers and learners in their work of language revitalization.


LING 211: Describing Sounds and Sound Patterns

This course is an introduction to the field of phonetics. You will learn how linguists describe and categorize sounds in a language based on the way they are pronounced, and how these insights can be applied to help teachers and learners develop a better understanding of the sound system in their language.

LING 212: Describing Word and Sentence Patterns I
LING 213: Describing Word and Sentence Patterns II

These two courses are an introduction to the fields of morphology and syntax. You will learn how linguists study the structure of words, and discover patterns in how those words are combined into phrases and sentences of various types.  You will see how these patterns are the key for learners in order to improve their language proficiency.


Student in INT D 311 class

Education Classes

EDEL 306: Introduction to Indigenous Literacy and Language Development


This course is an introduction to teaching languages and reading. You will learn how to plan for language teaching sessions, and strategies for supporting the spoken and written use of Indigenous languages in the classroom by both teachers and students.

EDEL 460: Sustaining Language and Culture Through Traditional Knowledge and Practices

This course is an introduction to strengthening the connections between language and culture. You will learn about strategies communities are using to sustain their traditional practices, and how that plays a vital role in the maintenance and revitalization of their languages.

EDEL 461: Second Language Acquisition: Teaching Indigenous Languages in an Immersion Context

This course is an introduction to reaching and learning Indigenous languages as a second language. You will learn about a variety of immersion teaching methods that support children and adults in developing their skills in both understanding and speaking the language. 


EDEL 462: Developing Class Materials and Curriculum for Indigenous Languages

This course is an introduction to language materials development.  You will get hands-on experience in designing and creating a wide range of print and digital resources that support language learning in the classroom.

EDEL 463: Assessment in Indigenous Language Classrooms

This course is an introduction to the field of language assessment.  You will learn various strategies for helping to chart the language-learning progress of both children and adults, and how to use that information to target improvements in your own teaching methods.

EDEL 496: Literacy and Drama in Indigenous Language Education

 This course is an introduction to using storytelling to teach Indigenous languages.  You will learn how to incorporate elements of drama, movement, teamwork and improvisation to engage language learners and connect them with the oral traditions of your community.

EDEL 496: Leadership in Language and Culture


Barb Laderoute teaching an Education course

nêhiyawêwin (Plains Cree) language courses for beginning learners

NS 103 B1: Cree Immersion for Adult Beginners Level 1
NS 103 B2: Cree Immersion for Adult Beginners Level 2

These two courses are an introduction to learning a specific Indigenous language through immersion. It is targeted to beginning learners who are early in their language-learning journeys.  


Wayne Jackson teaching Cree