CILLDI in Community

Do you want to…

  • develop a community language revitalization plan?
  • create new learning resources in your language?
  • have a cohort of community members trained in the basics of language documentation and revitalization?

In addition to its annual summer school, CILLDI also partners with Indigenous communities and language activists around the world to support their work in maintaining, revitalizing and reclaiming their languages. These include delivering courses and workshops in communities, developing language resource materials, and collaborating on a range of language documentation and revitalization efforts.

Our Approach

Flexibility: Dynamic and flexible collaboration is the key to success in any project. We offer in-person, remote, and hybrid modes of collaboration to best meet the various needs of our community partners.

Customized Solutions: Each community and their language has unique needs, resources, and priorities. We co-design projects with communities to match where they are on their language revitalization journeys. Keeping the community’s needs and goals at the forefront of every collaboration.

Check out our Partners to learn more about the projects we worked on!

How do I Get Started?

Email with your idea! We're excited to hear from you and begin working together!