Teaching Award Winners

Augustana professors have been recognized both by Augustana and the University of Alberta for their teaching skill. Below is a list of past winners of various awards.

3M National Teaching Fellowship


2013 - Kim Fordham Misfeldt

Rutherford Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching


2020 - Janet Wesselius
2019 - Neil Haave
2011 - Kim Misfeldt

Association of College and University Biology Educators Excellence in Teaching Award

2020 - Neil Haave 

Provost's Award for Early Achievement of Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching


2023 - Willow White
2017 - Brandon Alakas
2009 - Ian Blokland

Teaching Collaboration Award


2013 - David (Doc) Larson and Doris Audet

Award for Excellence in Learning Support

2009 - Nancy Goebel

WH Alexander Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching


2015 - Jérôme Melançon
2013 - Kristine Nutting
2007 - Pam Chamberlain

Vargo Teaching Chair


2019 - Kim Misfeldt

Augustana Teaching Leadership Award


2023 - Stephanie Oliver
2020 - Shauna Wilton
2018 - Sandra Rein
2017 - Mélanie Méthot
2015 - Geraint Osborne
2014 - Neil Haave
2013 - Roxanne Harde
2012 - Glen Hvenegaard

Augustana Early Achievement of Teaching Excellence


2023 - Greg King
2022 - Mi-Young Kim
2020 - Elizabeth McGinitie
2019 - Joseph Wiebe
2018 - Andrea Korda
2017 - Anne McIntosh
2016 - Brandon Alakas
2013 - Brian Rempel

Academic Teaching Staff Instructor Award

Formerly the Sessional Teaching Award


2023 - Marina Endicott
2014 - Jeremy Wideman
2011 - Feisel Kirumira
2010 - Jérôme Melançon
2007 - Neil Hepburn
2006 - Pam Chamberlain
2005 - Helen Mower

Augustana Teaching Team Award


2011 - Dave Larson and Doris Audet

Augustana Teaching Award

This award was discontinued in 2012 and split into 4 awards - Teaching Leadership, Sessional Teaching, Teaching Team, and Early Achievement

2011 - Glynnis Hood
2010 - Janet Wesselius
2009 - Ian Blokland
2008 - (not awarded)
2007 - Paul "Sparky" Johnson
2006 - (not awarded)
2005 - Phil Merklinger
2004 - Dave Larson
2003 - Jack Waschenfelder
2001 - Ingrid Urberg
2001 - Roger Epp
2000 - Kim Fordham
1999 - Murray Lauber
1998 - Milton Schlosser
1997 - Dittmar Mündel