Maintenance Information

By submitting a maintenance and/or housekeeping request, you give St. Joseph's College facilities staff permission to enter your unit to assess and conduct repairs and/or cleaning tasks starting the moment you submit the request and for the following 10 business days, between the hours of 8:00 am and 4:00 pm. Every effort will be made to attend to your request as soon as possible. While each request we receive is important to us, critical issues will take precedence over non-urgent requests. To ensure your request is handled in the most efficient manner possible and to avoid delays, please clearly describe the details of your request when you submit. If you find that your request has not been attended to within the initial 10 day period then please contact us directly. See contact information below.

Be a great roommate
If you have a roommate or roommates, please tell them that you have submitted request, so that they are aware that facilities staff will be entering your shared unit.

Maintenance Procedure

  • Before Entering Your Room
    Maintenance staff will knock twice before entering and announce their entry if no one responds to the door. If the request is an emergency (flood, fire, structural damage etc.) then immediate entry will happen without notice.
  • Maintenance Check
    Maintenance staff will conduct preventative maintenance checks on other items as required in your unit at the time of entry.
  • When Leaving Your Room
    Maintenance staff will lock all unit doors, including bedrooms, when leaving. Even if the door was unlocked upon entry.
  • Post Maintenance Check
    Maintenance staff will contact you directly if more information is required or to give updates on the status of your request.

Emergency Issues

If there is a maintenance emergency (flood, fire, structural damage, etc.) then please contact us immediately.

  • Director of Facilities

    Dave Eckert
    780. 492. 9013

  • Assistant Director of Facilities
    Adam Stewart
    780. 492. 9013